Saturday, September 8, 2012

Packing Machines

So life is pretty uneventful in the Brown household lately.  We have been spending most of our free time packing up the house, garage, and shed for the big move.  We will (hopefully) be officially moving everything the weekend of October 13th and then using the last few weeks of October to clean the house in Florence spotless to ensure we get our deposit back ;).  Bruce will officially be starting his new job October 15th! So it is all a tight squeeze, but as usual we are managing.

We have looked at a few places, but still have yet to sign a lease in Denver.  We are leaning towards a one bedroom apartment for 9 months.  It's going to be a tight squeeze for sure, but it comes with a garage so we will have a storage place for everything that we plan to keep packed up, which is going to be as much as possible!  Why unpack just to pack again in 9 or less months?! That's my new motto, it's going to help me get through living in an undecorated sardine can.  Gotta stay positive people!! :)

We will then take the 9 months to find a house to purchase.....we have looked and found so many options and are so excited.  BUT first things first......sing a lease and get through the move.

Did I ever tell you that I am a completely convinced that Hell is indeed an endless routine of packing, moving, and unpacking?!  I can officially say that moving is the thing I HATE doing the MOST in the entire world!!  Dramatic much?! YES!! ;) Thank goodness this will (hopefully) be our last move into a leased home and we will have only one more move, into a home we will own.  Again, staying positive!

We hope all is well with everyone! We miss you all terribly!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo