Thursday, July 18, 2013

Manitou Incline

........AKA Stair Master on CRACK!!! ;)

The Brown family is all happy and healthy!!! We are taking advantage of the cooler weather lately, and by cooler I mean 84 degree average.  It's so weird to us that we think 84 is cool now.  It's been warm in the mornings and afternoons and would get cloudy and rainy in the evenings.  It's been a WONDERFUL break.  Next week it's back to the triple digits.

So since the weather has been ideal to do activities outside lately, we decided to try our luck at the Manitou Incline.  Let me tell was the most difficult activity we have done since moving out here.  Manitou Incline is located in Manitou Springs, just outside of Colorado Springs.  It use to be an old railroad.  It is 4 miles total, there and back.  But the first mile feels like 10.  The way up is only a mile long but inclines by TWO THOUSAND feet.  There were times I was basically crawling because the incline was so steep.  But when you turned around and saw the site, it was well worth the hardy work out.  It was BEAUTIFUL!!!

We then spent the rest of the afternoon in Manitou Springs being tourist.  We went antique shopping, one of my favs!!! And we even got ice cream! haha :) All in all it was such a wonderful day.

We are going camping and hiking next week near Breckenridge.  It is my 29th (OMG!!!! I'm getting soooo old!!) birthday next week and that's what we decided to do.  We can't wait to escape and spend some awesome quality time together.

Well we hope all is well with you all!! We miss and love u tons!

Nic & Bruce xo

The beginning....

Taking a break to admire the view

B lovin' it

View from the bottom. Yes, we climbed alllll the way to the top


Yup. Extreme

Kinda rough some times....


Waiting to go back down.