Wednesday, October 2, 2013


It has been a very busy few months for the Brown family! We found out we were expecting!!!! (which was the BEST news ever!) went on a vacation to the Soo, we finally got Pudge back, and are adjusting to a slower pace of life.

I am one of the lucky ones (knock on wood!!!) and have been very healthy during my first trimester.  I had a bit of exhaustion, but that's about it! I did have to get use to taking a nap though.  I have never been one to nap, but during the first 10 weeks I could NOT go an entire day without taking a siesta! Luckily at 10 weeks it starting to die down and I am now able to make it through the days without a nap.  Although I am still in bed and sleeping by 9:30! :) Bruce is amazing.  He is so thoughtful and attentive.....but come on, did we expect anything less from him?! He's such an amazing man and continues to prove this every single day.

Our other baby is home!!! Fur baby that is......Having Pudge back is amazing! I definitely think he knows something is up because as he has always been an attached dog, he is GLUED to my side more than usual.  He still adores Bruce, but before it was pretty evenly split up or with whomever happen to be around.  Now he is pissed if he doesn't leave with me or is not with me.  And when we are together, we are TO-GE-THER, where I go he goes, and I have no choice in the matter.....even in the bathroom.  He is also my work out partner.  I've decided to stop running during the pregnancy, even though the doctor approved it, I just feel like I don't want to take ANY unnecessary risk.  I love to run, so going from running to walking was quite boring for me.  Before getting Pudge back I didn't look forward to it.  But now I have a little buddy to go with and he makes it faster paced and more fun! Plus on the days I really don't feel like going I have no choice because he needs his walks.

Our trip back to the Soo was so much fun!! We got to see all of our amazing family and friends and tell the secret to a few people, as we wanted to tell them in person.  When we went home we were only 8 and a half weeks along, so it was a little scary to share but we are glad we got to do it in person.  For my mom, mother-in-law, and father-in-law we got them each a cute baby book that fit their life and attached a note that said "Dear Grandma (pa) please keep this at your house to read to me. Can't wait to meet you in April of 2014."  And for my Dad we had a onesie made that said "Don't worry Grandpa I'm going to be a Wings fan" and we did this because Bruce and my dad love the Red Wings and I love the Avalanche, who are rivals and they always gang up on me! Needless to say they all loved it and are very very excited!

So we have had two ultrasounds and Baby Brown and I are safely into our second trimester! I never thought I'd be such a worry wart, but I was sooooo nervous for the 12 wk appointment.  All I wanted was to hear and see that beautiful baby.  And sure enough he/she was bouncing all around and had a beautiful strong heart beat! It was like the world had been lifted from our shoulders.  Our due date is 4-14-14......we loved it! I know it's rare they actually come on their due dates, but it is such a neat date that we hope he/she does!

Well I will leave you with a few pictures and hopes to be better at updating our blog......We hope all is well!

Nic, Bruce, and Pudge

Baby Brown at 8 and a half weeks

Our announcement :) 

Naomi's 30th!!! 


At Kims engagement! such a beautiful moment to witness! 

Tigers game! :) 

Broncos game a couple weeks ago! SO FUN!! LOVE my Broncos!