Friday, May 18, 2012

Life lately

SORRY!!! I know I have been slacking a bit on posting, it's been a busy few weeks ;)

Happy to report that we are all very healthy and very happy.  We have been gearing up for our next visitor!! Rosie will be here Sunday!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! We couldn't be more excited!!! We are looking forward to spending some much needed family time with her.

The weather has been amazing (except the one day of hail) and I have a good tan going.  Bruce has a bit of color also, for him anyways hehehe ;) He stilllll hasn't gotten his test results back, we are IMPATIENTLY waiting.  They said two weeks and it's been a MONTH! Hopefully soon.  We have been keeping busy with lots of outdoor activities......running, biking, hiking, golfing.....the usual summer activities.  And we are loving every second of it, especially Pudge.

Last week I lost 5.2 pounds at WW.........def back on track and it feels AMAZING!! I am plugging along and it feels incredible, inside and out.  :)

Well we hope you all are doing well.  We miss and love you all so so so much! I promise to write more soon!!!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Camping & Bishop's Castle

The weather turned out to be nice so we were able to head to the mountains this past weekend to camp.  We were the only people at Isabel Lake and it was SO SO SO relaxing!  We were able to walk around the lake, let Pudge swim (his FAV!) play botchy ball, and relax in the sun reading our kindles.  It was beyond peaceful, and we loved every second of it.

And speaking of kindles......I was completely consumed with Fifty shades of Grey trilogy.  I had read lots of recommendations, but really had no idea what I was getting into!  They are very sexual books, to say the least, which is why I was worried they were going to be the typical boring sex novels, but they weren't!  They were wonderfully written and had a fantastic story line that kept me hooked.  As weird as it is, now that I have finished all three books, I oddly miss the characters and story line.  So please please please bare an open mind and GO READ THEM, alllll three of them!  You won't be sorry!!

On our way down from the mountains we stopped at Bishop's Castle.  Mr. Bishop, owner of the property and castle, starting building it in 1966.  He has built this beautiful castle all by himself everyday with no help, and was in fact already hard at work when we arrived at 10am.  He is a self-described hard working man who is self governing.  He was a polite older man, a bit of a hippie ;), and a very talented.  He lives off of donations, which also help with the continued build of the Castle.  He plans to add to the castle until it wraps around the entire 2 acres he owns.  It was beautiful! We were awestruck.  And we were able to explore the castle, which was so fun.  If you're ever in that area, it is a must see!

Other than camping, not too much is new.  Due to camping I was unable to attend WW this week, ugggggh, but I vowed to be there next week.  I have my paid week off this week and am getting a lot done.  I was able to try a lot of home remedies for cleaning our appliances, such as our HE front loading washer and stove.  THANK GOODNESS for Pinterest, such wonderful home remedies.  We both went to the dentist and had my eye exam.  I am impatiently waiting for my new glasses.  Bruce is still waiting for his text results and the weather is lovely.

We hope you all had wonderful weeks and weekends.  We will leave you with some pictures..... Love and Miss you!!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

Beautiful Lake Isabel 

 Pudge is off! :) 

 Bishop's Castle 

 Beautiful detail 

 At the top :) 

 Little Stairs for a big man 

 King of the Castle :)