Friday, May 18, 2012

Life lately

SORRY!!! I know I have been slacking a bit on posting, it's been a busy few weeks ;)

Happy to report that we are all very healthy and very happy.  We have been gearing up for our next visitor!! Rosie will be here Sunday!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! We couldn't be more excited!!! We are looking forward to spending some much needed family time with her.

The weather has been amazing (except the one day of hail) and I have a good tan going.  Bruce has a bit of color also, for him anyways hehehe ;) He stilllll hasn't gotten his test results back, we are IMPATIENTLY waiting.  They said two weeks and it's been a MONTH! Hopefully soon.  We have been keeping busy with lots of outdoor activities......running, biking, hiking, golfing.....the usual summer activities.  And we are loving every second of it, especially Pudge.

Last week I lost 5.2 pounds at WW.........def back on track and it feels AMAZING!! I am plugging along and it feels incredible, inside and out.  :)

Well we hope you all are doing well.  We miss and love you all so so so much! I promise to write more soon!!!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

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