Sunday, October 21, 2012

New home

Hi everyone!! Long time no blog.......

We are doing well and things are finally settling down!  We officially moved into our new place in Denver almost two weeks ago.  We are finally settling in and getting use to being back in the city full time.

Like I have said a million times before, moving is HELL on Earth!!! And ours was sure to prove me right.  The apartment complex we finally decided on was nice and seemed to fit us perfectly, so we signed papers and paid fees and were ready to move in.  Then THREE days before our move date, we get a call.  Apparently the apartment complex went through an entire "management sweep" as they called it, and misplaced our signed forms.  So they "needed" us to come back up to Denver to sing more.  Funny how they lost our paperwork, but seemed to have our check safe and secure.....hmmmmmm.  BUT the kicker was that their rental approval person wasn't going to be in the office until Monday afternoon, which meant we wouldn't have a FOR SURE signed lease until Monday evening.  Bruce and I were absolutely not ok with this and were sorta freaking out.  So Bruce called in sick (shhhhh don't tell ;) and we drove up to Denver Saturday, got our money back from the terrible first apartment complex and found another.

Now as the saying goes, "everything happens for a reason," this was very fitting for us.  We ended up finding a much much nicer, in a better area, and gated apartment complex that ended up having WAY better deals.  So we signed and officially had a place as of Saturday at 3pm.  All in all finding an apartment was stressful to say the least, but did end up working out for the best.

The actual move itself was as hard as expected.  We started at 8am and did not finish hauling the last of our stuff out of the truck until 11pm.  VERY VERY long day.  But we are now all settled.  Our apartment is not half as bad as I was expecting it to be, and is actually quite cozy and cute.  Our garage on the other hand is CRAMMED full.  We basically threw everything that was not immediately coming into the house into the garage and closed the door.  We both have some time off this week, so we will be trying to organize and clean it.

Bruce is settling in nicely at work.  He has been training and learning the ropes.  Pudge is all settled at Grandpa Browns and we missssss him so much it hurts.  But truth be told, it was by far the right decision.  With our schedules and the small apartment, he will be much more comfortable with the room at Grandpas.  But it just isn't home without him and we are counting down the days until we get him back........

I am officially back on Weight Watchers and going back to meetings.  I conked out for a while and gained some weight back and am looking forward to getting back on the wagon.  I will try and report weekly, like I was doing prior to my hiatus.

All in all life is slowly getting back to normal, so hopefully I will be able to return to blogging more frequently.

Hope all is well.

Bruce and Nichole xoxo

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