Sunday, November 11, 2012


First and for most, HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY!! Thank you doesn't seem to be enough, but THANK YOU for all you and your families sacrifice.  A special thanks to some of my favorites.....Dad, Scott, Uncle Kent, Brent, Damon, Kim, and Wes.

My Heroes..... Dad, Scott, and Uncle Kent (RIP) 

OK so remember when I was blogging about CO still having 70 degree weather?! Well that is long gone! In just two days we went from T-shirts and flip flops to coats and Uggs.  It's only in the 30's and snowing.  But on the bright side of it, I was able to finally wear my new riding boots, and I LOVE them.  :)  It is suppose to start warming up this week, but we are leaving! Hitting the jet way yet again :)

This past week has been filled with organizing our life and getting everything ready for us to be gone for two weeks.  I also had some time to try some new recipes I have been dying to try! They turned out DELICIOUS!

The first was weight watchers baked lemon pepper chicken.
  •  Four skinless boneless chicken breast
  • 1/4 tsp pepper (salt can be added also, but def doesn't need it!)
  • 1 tsp Olive Oil
  • 2 tsp Lemon Juice
  • 2 tsp Rosemary
  • 2 tsp Parsley 
  • 1/4 cups of Fat Free canned Chicken broth
  • 1/2 medium lemon (cut up)
  • and Lemon Pepper Seasoning to taste
  • Bake at 400 F for 30-35 mins 
It turned out so juicy and delicious! And so simple!!!

The second was Baked Cinnamon Apple Chips
  • 2 large red or green apples
  • Cinnamon (to taste)
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg 
  • Sugar to taste (I left this out and they were deliciously sweet!)
  • Slice thinly and sprinkle with the cinnamon and nutmeg 
  • Bake at 245 for 2 hours (or until they are crispy enough for your liking) 
These are some of my new favs! They are sweet but healthy and make a WONDERFUL snack!! 

Bruce is well and VERY excited for his two week vacation, and boy does he deserve it! He hasn't been on vacation since our honeymoon.......He is as amazing as ever.  I received yet again another gift in the mail.  A hand held Kitchenaid mixer.  He knows sometimes I get annoyed having to pull out the big Kitchenaid stand mixer because it can be a pain to clean, so he got me the hand mixer I have been drooling over.  What a man!  He also found a couple of guys to car pool with to work, which is great! It will cut our gas bill, that is OUTRAGEOUS, in half.  YAY! :)

Weight Watchers is great.  Lost another 4 pounds.  Down 5 in total for two weeks, not too bad! Now on vacation I have to try and remember this.......ahhhhh ;)

Well I think that is about all I have for now!! We hope you all are well.  We love and miss you tons!

Nichole and Bruce
The beautiful flowers I came home to :) Lucky

Cinnamon Apple Chips & Hot tea..... YUM! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Shopping Spree

Hi everyone!

Everything is pretty much the same in the Brown household.  We are LOVING our new location, the apartment is still cozy and sweet but we wouldn't go as far as to say we LOVE it.  But we certainly LOVE the new location.

Weight Watchers is slowly but surely getting back on track, down 1.2 pounds this week.  Bruce is still getting use to the new job, but adjusting well.  Pudge is still doing well at Grandpa Browns, but we are missing him like CRAZY.

We decided to treat ourselves to a bit of a shopping spree.  Some people would think it was no biggie or not much, but for us it was out of the norm and fun! We finally went to a store called Home Goods and loved it.  It is like a Ross, with everything from furniture to decorations for your home and very reasonably priced.  I LOVED it, and Bruce who isn't usually big on shopping even loved it. We bought some adorable things for our home.  Some are out in the apartment, but some stayed packed and took up residence in storage.

On that note we also decided to hit up the new IKEA store.  Neither of us had experienced IKEA before, it was amazing to say the least.  It took us two hours to get through the entire store, but it was so fun.  Everyone should shop at IKEA at least once in a life time. :)

I also got a surprise in the mail, a beautiful Coach travel tote as a wonderful gift from my hubby for our upcoming travels in November.  Coach had its annual sale last week, so I went and bought two new bags, one for myself and one as a gift (seriously ladies, look for their sales they are AMAZING! It's the only time I can bring myself to buy coach and feel it's justified haha).  My wonderful husband picked up on this and went shopping.......he knew I would normally never spend the money on a travel tote, but always loved them.  So he got it for me, I love it! Of course I decided he needed a thank you gift so I ordered some of his favorite sweat pants, that we can never find in the stores because he needs tall sizes.

I also fell into the riding boot trend and iPad mini tech trend.  I am excited to wear the boots out when the weather cools a bit, we are still in the 70's here, but I'm not complaining. ;) And as for the iPad mini, well I was talked into it.  I was happy with just the macbook, and was leaning towards buying a kindle fire for travel and convenience, but Bruce talked me over to the other side.  He said we have the macbook, iPad, phones, and are planning on buying an apple printer (any advice on which one is the best would be appreciated) so I might as well "stay in the family."  So as afraid of the iPad things I am (don't judge I NEVER use B's ;) and like to stick with my macbook, my husband had a point and it's on the way, well after the two week order wait.  Wish me luck......

We wanted to say a big THANK YOU to my mother-in-law and Dad for the awesome championship Tigers T-shirts and sweat shirts.   We were so excited to sport these out in CO and support our team.  :)

We hope all is well.  We miss you all like CRAZY!!!

Nichole & Bruce xoxo

The awesome pond Bruce and I like to walk around by our home.  2 miles of gorgeous scenery

One of my favorite buys from Home Goods.  Adorable tea box

One of my favorite buys from IKEA.  Too cute! And only $6.99!