Thursday, February 21, 2013

Warm or Cold?!?!

Hi Everyone,

We are all happy and  I just got rid of the flu bug about a week ago.  All the news channels reported that this is one of the worst flu seasons in a long long time, and I definitely CONCUR! It was the worst case of the flu I have had in a long long time.  My worried hubby finally made me go see the doc. and it turned out I had strep and an ear infection.  And that was all towards the end of the sickness, due to me stubbornly refusing to go in the few days prior.  The beginning was the worst head cold ever, which included 10 boxes of Kleenex and 5 bottles of NyQuil (OK MAYBE a little exaggerated).  But needless to say, I feel back to "normal" :) And our fingers and toes are crossed that Bruce doesn't get it.

Bruce got moved to a different unit within the same prison facility.  He wasn't happy about leaving his original unit, but the schedule works a lot better for him.  He no longer has to do fast turnarounds, going from days 2-10 to mornings 6-2, which he usually did at least once or twice a week.  Now he is on all days.  Pudge is doing well with Grandpa Brown.  I get daily pictures, thank goodness, because we are missing him sooooo much.

Weight watchers is going well.  I am down 24.6 pounds. :)  I am feeling re-energized and have my running schedule back on track.  We also just signed up for the color run in Denver in June, and I am so excited.  We have done plenty of 5k's, but never a color run and they look so fun!

We have had AMAZING weather lately, in the high 50's and even low 60's sometimes.  And the sun is usually always shining!  But CO weather is sooooo unpredictable.  One minute we are golfing in sweatshirts and the next we have our snow suites out.   That's how the last few weeks have been.  So we plan our activities depending on the weather for that specific day.  But I suppose I can't complain too much, beings though my Soo MI family just had a terrible store come through.

We hope all is well with you all.  We miss you dearly.

Nichole and Bruce xoxo

My valentines themed breakfast for Bruce.  Along with some 
chocolate covered strawberries. 

I got off the treadmill and set my shoes aside, and then laughed a lot after
looking at them sitting beside B's.  HUGE  vs TINY :) 

Golf in February with the beautiful snow capped mts. in the background 
So fun! 

Groupon has great deals sometimes! We got these cute phone covers
(B's not pictured) all for only $12!! Love them. 

Kale chips. YUUUM! Just tear up some kale, put on a baking pan lined with 
tin foil (too keep the mess to a minimum) and drizzle with extra virgin olive
oil and salt.  Bake at 350 for about 15 mins.  SO delicious and a healthy option. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Adding some color

Hi Everyone!

We are doing well and loving the mild and beautiful winter here in CO.  We snowshoe almost every weekend up in the beautiful mountains! Our last snowshoeing adventure was 4 miles long, and tough! But so worth it in the end! :) Other than that it is business as usual....

So I decided we needed to add some more color and organization in our lives.  A trip to Ikea for some new throw pillows and containers was, of course, the only way to achieve this goal.......

My new containers for the pantry.  I just added some chalkboard stickers 
and I love how the pantry looks now! 

New throw pillows. COLOR! 

Some other purchases from Ikea.....New larger lantern & shoe rack :) 

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Ikea?! ;)  

We hope you are all doing well!! Love and Miss you all

Nichole & Bruce xoxo