Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Adding some color

Hi Everyone!

We are doing well and loving the mild and beautiful winter here in CO.  We snowshoe almost every weekend up in the beautiful mountains! Our last snowshoeing adventure was 4 miles long, and tough! But so worth it in the end! :) Other than that it is business as usual....

So I decided we needed to add some more color and organization in our lives.  A trip to Ikea for some new throw pillows and containers was, of course, the only way to achieve this goal.......

My new containers for the pantry.  I just added some chalkboard stickers 
and I love how the pantry looks now! 

New throw pillows. COLOR! 

Some other purchases from Ikea.....New larger lantern & shoe rack :) 

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Ikea?! ;)  

We hope you are all doing well!! Love and Miss you all

Nichole & Bruce xoxo

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