Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!

First and foremost....... HAPPY EASTER!!!  We love this time of year.  It's so beautiful in CO, 65-70 degree weather, sunny, and breezy! Perfect Spring weather.

Anyways......we are doing well, our little family is healthy and happy and Pudge is still loving life at Grandpa Browns.  I made an impromptu trip to the Soo a few weeks ago to pay my respects to a WONDERFUL man and be with one of my best friends and her family.  As much as it is always wonderful to see the ones I love, it was not a trip I looked forward to going on and hope the next trip up is for other reasons.

Our last snowshoeing trip, right before leaving to head to the Soo, was by far the most beautiful.  It was the perfect trail and day.  It was calm, quiet, and beyond gorgeous. We snowshoed up as far as the trail would allow, then hiked the rest of the way.  It was hard, but definitely worth the effort.

Last week we had visitors.  One of Bruce's best friends from High School, Joe and his girlfriend Ashlie came to visit for a wk.  We had a blast with them.  We were able to explore Denver, going to places we hadn't been in quite some time.  We also shopped and explored the mountains.  We went back to the sight of our engagement for the fist time in three and a half years, and it was still as beautiful as ever.  We also were able to go to Loveland, which was breathtaking.  All in all it was so wonderful to have a piece of home here.

This week we are hoping to make one last snowshoeing trip to Estes Park, praying they still have enough snow for us to get in one snowshoeing adventure.

We hope you all have a beautiful holiday.  We love and miss you all very much!

Love xoxo
Nichole and Bruce

Our engagement location, three and a half years later....

Joe and Bruce at Loveland :)

The group at Red Rocks.  P.S. We just got our tickets for the
Zac Brown Band concert at Red Rocks in May! YAY! :) 

I am one seriously lucky girl! This is what I came home...

RIP Joe Daddy!!! 

Homemade granola bars! Turned out delicious!

Our reward! At the top

On our way up....

Clearly exhausted....

Knee deep trying to get to the top. Bruce thought it was
sooooo funny! ;) 

climbing up up and up! 11,150 ft up.

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