Sunday, April 28, 2013

Quick Update

Hi Everyone!!

Just a quick update.....we are all doing well. Loooooving the beautiful weather! We went to a couple baseball games last wk, and had so much fun. :) Our super comfy big bed got delivered yesterday.  We sold our king size bed when we moved back to Denver to accommodate to the smaller room and took the spare bedroom bed, a full.  Needless to say, it was not comfy! Poor B's feet hung off and we just didn't have enough room. So we consolidated our things in our bedroom and bought a big king bed. It's wonderful!! It's taken over our room, but well worth it!

I was also able to complete a few Pinterest projects this week.  I always feel so accomplished when I do.  I pin so many things, that when I actually complete one of them it's awesome.  It's just great knowing I didn't just pin something, but actually completed it.  I'm sure my fellow pinners understand :)

We hope all is well with all of you!!
Nichole & Bruce

Oreo Rice Krispie Treats.  I made these delish treats for B & his coworkers. 

Ticket Frame.  I bought this shadow frame from Ikea and B
drilled a slit on the top so we can drop all of our tickets inside and display. :)

Frame locations of where B & I met, got engaged, and married. I marked each spot
with a tiny heart sticker. It'll be hung next to our framed dates.

My lazy Sunday afternoon today at our pool! ahhhhhh ;) 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Everything has been wonderful.  We got a bit of a cold front that moved in, but it's quickly warming back up, thank goodness!!

We went to the Wings Avs game last Friday.  It is always fun for us because we are on opposite ends of the spectrum during this match up.  I LOVE the Avs and Bruce LOVES the Wings.  This year he gets to claim bragging rights as the Wings scored to win with 13 seconds left in the game. We also went out downtown Denver with some friends afterwards, which we rarely do.  It was a lot fun.

We are going to a Rockies game Monday.  The games are a lot of fun, not as fun as Tigers games, but fun nonetheless.  We absolutely love baseball, peanuts, snacks, and the ball park, nothing like it!  We also bought our first tickets to a concert at Red Rocks!!!! We are sooooooo excited about this.  Red Rocks is an AMAZING place, there's nothing like it.  So we bought tickets to the Zac Brown Band concert on May 8th.

This past week we were also able to take the kids to Garden of the Gods.  It was so beautiful and the kids had a blast! :)

So I've had some intense cravings lately......Last week it was sushi and this week I wanted some sort of pound cake.  So last week I made California Rolls, starting off simple since it was the first time I was attempting homemade sushi.  I also wanted to start with those because Bruce has never really had sushi and I wanted to start him off easy.  He ended up loving it! So now we can move on to better stuff! YAY! Fingers crossed he keeps enjoying it.  And today I made a cream cheese pound cake.  It was the first one I have ever made, and although it wasn't as pretty as the one pictured in the recipe, it was very good.

Anyways, we hope you are all doing well! We miss and love you tons!!!

Nichole & Bruce xoxo

Homemade California Rolls

Our beautiful Easter flowers

Garden of the Gods

Wings Avs game

Cream Cheese bunt cake