Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays everyone!!! I say holidays versus Thanksgiving because I know myself and I know I probably won't be back on to check in until the new year......

We are all healthy and happy!! We had a fantastic Thanksgiving that included taking a shower and getting right back into my jammies and eating eating and eating with absolutely no shame!! It was fantastic! We usually are with family or friends or have people over, BUT this year we decided to just stay in with our little family and relax.  And relax we did. It was fabulous.

We had our anatomy scan Wednesday.  I was so unbelievably nervous...I was so anxious to make sure beautiful baby B was healthy and growing.  It was so wonderful to see our baby again. He or She is very healthy and growing on track.  We had the tech put the sex of the baby on a piece of paper and in an envelope that we immediately sent out to the baker of our gender cake so we wouldn't know.  The tech was so nice and asked us to turn our heads every time she got near the sex so the secret remained just that.  We will find out at our gender reveal party next Saturday with family and friends, SO EXCITED!

We need some extra prayers and good thoughts please........Bruce has an interview with the state of MI on Dec. 18th!!! YAY!!! We are so excited and hopeful.  This may be our chance to move back to our home state to be closer to family and friends.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.....this move would be very bittersweet for us.  We LOVE Colorado and all of the amazing friends and family we have here, but with the baby coming we would love to be closer to grandparents and have Baby B closer to all of our family and friends.  So fingers crossed that this opportunity turns up for us!

We hope all is well in your neck of the woods and hope to see as many of you as we can during our short visit!! Happy Holidays!!!
Nichole, Bruce, Baby B, and Pudge xoxo

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hi :)

Well hello there.......

We are all healthy and happy here in the Brown household.  We had our 16 wk checkup a couple of days brown and I both are healthy and happy.  Baby is growing right on track and had a heart beat of 154.  We go at the end of the month for our 20 wk ultra sound.  We've decided to put the gender in an envelope and seal it so it stays a secret for a little while longer.  We are planning to go home to MI the 5th of December to visit our family and have a gender reveal get together.  We would like to take our envelope to a bakery and have a cake made.  Then we will cut into the cake with close family and friends and it will either be pink or blue inside.  We are just waiting for his time off to be approved.  Fingers crossed.

We took a trip into the mountains for a small hike to see how my body reacts to the higher elevations.  It was a little harder to breath but I felt pretty good.  We love to snowshoe and would really like to do some snowshoeing this winter, my doctor said to just take it a little slower than usual.  So we are excited for some good snow to get up there!

Well we hope all is well.  We miss & love you all!

Bruce, Nic, & Pudge xoxo

This was taken a few weeks ago.  We are trying to record a 
weekly picture to put into the cute belly book we got as a gift. 

Family picture last week :)