Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WARNING.........vent post!!!

So today was a particularly hard day for me, SOOOOO HOMESICK!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Colorado, don't get me wrong. We absolutely love living here, but it's just so far! If I could pick this state up and move it closer to MI, it would be PERFECT!!!  But obviously that is out of the question, unless anyone has any great ideas?!?!

So anyways, I think after spending some extended time home for the wedding, I just realized how lucky we are.  We seriously have the best family and friends.  And I know everyone always says that, blah blah blah, but seriously we are soooooo blessed! We are so lucky to have FOUR, yes FOUR, amazing sets of parents that would do ANYTHING for us at ANYTIME!  And our friends, wow! Our friends are probably the most supportive, generous, and loving people.  So after moving so far away and not making many trips home in the last 3 years, this last trip just reminded me why I missed these people so much. 

Again, don't get me wrong, I love our life out here!! But I am just a bit home sick.  Bruce works midnights for the state right now and I work 3 days a wk in Denver.  So for 5 days a wk I am completely by myself.  Two of those days are spent in a town that I know NO ONE!! Between traveling back and fourth from Denver every week, leaving for the wedding, and Bruce working midnights and having odd days off, we haven't had time to really hang out with people.  We have met some people here and there, but it's just not the same!!! So hopefully now that things have calmed down we can spend more time with people in our new town.  We do have a BBQ to go to, so that'll be nice. 

Anyways that is my venting sob story today....I am feeling super homesick and missing our amazing family and friends.   Feel free to come visit ANYTIME!!! ;)

But on a bright note, baby Tucker is coming shortly and I can't wait to go home to meet him! AND our honeymoon is coming up!! YAY!!

Thanks for listening.....

Nichole (just me, cause Bruce and Pudge were not to blame for the venting tonight)

Thursday, September 22, 2011


PUDGE IS HOME!!!! I know some people probably think we are crazy in love with our dog, and we have to admit, WE ARE!!!! It felt so weird not to have him here, like our home wasn't a home while he was away.  He truly is our child and we are OK with that! :) 

Paul, my father-in-law made the trip with Pudge, his friend Neal, and all of our fun toys!! We are so lucky.  We had to leave the majority of our fun toys in MI because when we first moved out here we didn't have the room to take it out here with us and lived in a 2 bedroom town house with no where to store it.  But now that we have the house and garage we have our bikes, our boat, kayaks, canoe, and so many more fun toys!! We are very excited to use them. 


Hope all is well with everyone!

Bruce, Nic, and PUDGE! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

1 year!!

So Bruce and I finally sat down and made a tentative plan for our future! We have always known what we wanted out of life but feel like we are actually starting it!!! Between the wedding, grad school, and Bruce starting his career our big goals had been put aside for a bit.  We made a list of things we want to accomplish in the next year.......SO EXCITING (and lame all at the same time haha :)

So here is part of our list:

1. HONEYMOON!! :) (that was already planned before making the list, but we are so excited about it, it had to be written down!)
2. New Mac!! I am personally super excited about this!! :)
3. New kitchen table (we have our eye on one already)
4. 2012 Ford Escape. After many many months researching vehicles, we have finally chosen this one! We originally wanted this but got side tracked with moving and everything. We want a smaller SUV type (for future strollers ;) and this is perfect!
5.  BUT BEFORE purchasing (which we plan on doing in the next 6 months when we find the best deal) we are going to get new tires and a few new parts for Big Red, she's been ignored for a bit!
6. EUROPE!!! This is a BIG dream of ours! So the saving begins for our trip! We have tentative dates and deposits down! YAY!
7. Graduating with my masters in May! (it's about damn time!)
8. And last BUT not least, BUYING A HOME!! :)

So far this is the list of things we want to accomplish in the next year! We are very very excited to work hard to accomplish these things! Wish us luck!!! :)

Hope all is well!

Bruce & Nichole

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Back to normal!

Hi Everyone!!

We have officially settled in and are back to reality.  We received the most beautiful gifts and our home is so homey!!! We enjoyed unpacking everything and putting it away. We absolutely love everything we received, THANK YOU!!!!

We have gone back to work and it was so wonderful to see the kids again! They have gotten so big!!! Bruce, of course, went back and got jokingly harassed for 'taking the plunge.' But luckily he had a partner in crime, another guy he works with also recently tied the knot so they at least had each other through the jokes.  It was all fun and games and he is back in the swing of things. 

We are currently starting the process of looking into houses.  It sure is scary, but we are definitely ready!!! We have found a few that have caught our eyes, but we are taking our time. 

We are also looking forward to our 'real honeymoon.'  We took our time, 6 days, and stayed at some beautiful places on our way back home as a sort of pre-honeymoon honeymoon, which was wonderful! But we can't wait to head to the Bahamas!! We had to wait because Bruce didn't have enough time built up yet being a new employee, and decided that we would enjoy getting away during winter anyways! :) So now the big count down until December 11th begins!!!

Dad Brown is also coming out in about a week!! We are so excited to show him our new home and town!! And also we finally get Pudge back!!!!!!! We have been lost without him here.  We didn't feel too bad while we were busy with the wedding because we were so preoccupied, but now being home it's very very lonely!!! I personally really miss him.  He is my jogging, running errands, and Saturday morning farmers market buddy while Bruce sleeps after work, and I'm lonely!!! But he will be here soon and our family will officially be back to normal, whatever that is haha! :)

Hope all is well with everyone, we miss you all terribly!!!

Bruce & Nichole xoxo