Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WARNING.........vent post!!!

So today was a particularly hard day for me, SOOOOO HOMESICK!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Colorado, don't get me wrong. We absolutely love living here, but it's just so far! If I could pick this state up and move it closer to MI, it would be PERFECT!!!  But obviously that is out of the question, unless anyone has any great ideas?!?!

So anyways, I think after spending some extended time home for the wedding, I just realized how lucky we are.  We seriously have the best family and friends.  And I know everyone always says that, blah blah blah, but seriously we are soooooo blessed! We are so lucky to have FOUR, yes FOUR, amazing sets of parents that would do ANYTHING for us at ANYTIME!  And our friends, wow! Our friends are probably the most supportive, generous, and loving people.  So after moving so far away and not making many trips home in the last 3 years, this last trip just reminded me why I missed these people so much. 

Again, don't get me wrong, I love our life out here!! But I am just a bit home sick.  Bruce works midnights for the state right now and I work 3 days a wk in Denver.  So for 5 days a wk I am completely by myself.  Two of those days are spent in a town that I know NO ONE!! Between traveling back and fourth from Denver every week, leaving for the wedding, and Bruce working midnights and having odd days off, we haven't had time to really hang out with people.  We have met some people here and there, but it's just not the same!!! So hopefully now that things have calmed down we can spend more time with people in our new town.  We do have a BBQ to go to, so that'll be nice. 

Anyways that is my venting sob story today....I am feeling super homesick and missing our amazing family and friends.   Feel free to come visit ANYTIME!!! ;)

But on a bright note, baby Tucker is coming shortly and I can't wait to go home to meet him! AND our honeymoon is coming up!! YAY!!

Thanks for listening.....

Nichole (just me, cause Bruce and Pudge were not to blame for the venting tonight)

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