Saturday, September 17, 2011

1 year!!

So Bruce and I finally sat down and made a tentative plan for our future! We have always known what we wanted out of life but feel like we are actually starting it!!! Between the wedding, grad school, and Bruce starting his career our big goals had been put aside for a bit.  We made a list of things we want to accomplish in the next year.......SO EXCITING (and lame all at the same time haha :)

So here is part of our list:

1. HONEYMOON!! :) (that was already planned before making the list, but we are so excited about it, it had to be written down!)
2. New Mac!! I am personally super excited about this!! :)
3. New kitchen table (we have our eye on one already)
4. 2012 Ford Escape. After many many months researching vehicles, we have finally chosen this one! We originally wanted this but got side tracked with moving and everything. We want a smaller SUV type (for future strollers ;) and this is perfect!
5.  BUT BEFORE purchasing (which we plan on doing in the next 6 months when we find the best deal) we are going to get new tires and a few new parts for Big Red, she's been ignored for a bit!
6. EUROPE!!! This is a BIG dream of ours! So the saving begins for our trip! We have tentative dates and deposits down! YAY!
7. Graduating with my masters in May! (it's about damn time!)
8. And last BUT not least, BUYING A HOME!! :)

So far this is the list of things we want to accomplish in the next year! We are very very excited to work hard to accomplish these things! Wish us luck!!! :)

Hope all is well!

Bruce & Nichole

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