Friday, October 21, 2011


So today marks the 50 day mark until we take our delayed honeymoon! We are very excited!! We have never had the pleasure of taking a secluded vacation with each other without already having an agenda to follow and things to do! So this is way way overdue and we couldn't be more excited!!!

We couldn't take the honeymoon right away because Bruce didn't have enough time built up yet from his new job, but to be honest we are happy that we weren't able to go right after the wedding.  We have this fabulous vacation to look forward to and we get to get away during the winter! That is definitely a plus!

We are also excited because there are some visitors coming our way! November is not only Bruce's birthday month, but we have our great friend, EC coming in for a visit!! We usually only see each other once a year for weddings, so this is exciting! I also am lucky enough to have my very best friend Lindsey coming for a visit!! It's not until April, but I am still super super excited!! I wish they could come right now.........

I am also excited to head home sometime in November depending on the birth of a precious little boy! I am going to fly home for a short, but very exciting visit to meet one of my best friends baby! YAYAYAYAY TUCKER!! :)

Until then it's business as usual! We are both doing well, working, and living the dream! This weekend we plan on going to the beautiful Garden of the Gods and carving our pumpkins! Speaking of Halloween, is it time to decorate for Christmas yet?!  I love decorating for all holidays, but Christmas is my all time favorite!!

Hope all is well! Love and miss you all!

Nichole, Bruce, & Pudge xoxo

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