Friday, November 4, 2011

Pinterest & update

Since the wedding has come and gone, I have maintained my interest in crafts.  I am by no means 'creative' but have definitely become more and more crafty.  I started with doing DIY projects for the wedding and now I am continuing with our home.  We love anything that we can make ourselves, so I am learning to incorporate our style into the projects I am doing.  So with this new interest comes a HUGE obsession with Pinterest.  I absolutely love love love it.  I am still trying to learn and am super hesitant to pin anything quite yet, but the ideas that you can get from this site are unbelievable! I feel more crafty just from taking a look each day.  If you haven't been there to take a look yet, GO NOW!! It's totally inspiring and you'll love it!

So moving on......Bruce and I are doing very well.  Last weekend we were plagued with my sickness.  One of our favorite holidays went to waste! I came down with the flu early Saturday morning and my wonderful hubby took very very good care of me.  Luckily by Monday evening I was feeling a ton better! We had originally bought 4 huge bags fun size candy, but were almost out by 7pm, which is when the trick-or-treating was suppose to be begin! We had early birds! :)  So Bruce ran out and bought 3 more bags, the biggest he could find! We had a fantastic time.  Pudge dressed up in his pumpkin costume and greeted all the kids.  He did accidentally knock over the neighbors granddaughter, he was just so excited to see her and she's little.  Needless to say, she got an extra special treat! We had a blast, and we loved seeing all the adorable kids.

This weekend we are heading to Grams house to visit and bring her wedding photos.  We are also going to an Avs game Sunday thanks to the free tickets from my boss.  We love hockey and I love the Avs, but Bruce is insisting on wearing his Wings jersey, bring on the harassing.   They are not playing the wings, but we will definitely hear it.  Should be a good time anyway. 

We are also planning on taking a trip to the mountains to get our 2011 Christmas photo for our cards, that's always a fun time! Soon we will be heading back to get our 2011 Christmas Tree, that's my absolute favorite! There's just something so amazing about hiking in the mountains to find a tree to bring home and fill your house with that amazing smell.  This is a tradition we hope to continue for many Christmas' to come!

Hope all is well!! We miss everyone very much!!

Bruce, Nichole, & Pudge xoxo

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