Saturday, June 9, 2012


I have been a stranger to my own blog!!! It's been too long and I can't even begin to list all of the new things that have happened lately........

I'll start off by saying our little family is all healthy and happy.  We had Rosie visit a few weeks ago, and that was so much fun.  It's always so nice to have family around.

Bruce received a phone call from Boarder....he has his final final final step in the process, which is a polygraph test, on Tuesday.  We were both excited and surprised by the phone call, still trying to stay level headed and not get too excited.  But some extra thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.

Weight Watchers is great!! I missed two weeks in a row while Rosie was here and I wasn't feeling well one week, but back at it as usual.  :)  Running on the other hand has been put on the back burner because I keep telling myself that it's tooooo hot!!! BUT we all know that just a lame ass excuse so I have to start hitting the pavement again, I actually miss it and the feeling that comes a long with it!

Traveling this summer is insane.  I will be traveling home to MI FOUR times this summer and once in the fall.  Lots of weddings to celebrate! I am so excited to see everyone and celebrate all the love and happiness.

With the blazing weather it's so hard to stay inside or make time to be on the computer in general.  Kayaking, hiking, boating, fishing, camping, riding bikes,'s all so distracting ;)  But I promise to make an honest effort to resume my weekly updates and photos.  I am going to get back in the swing of things :)

We love and miss you all so much!!! And will be seeing you so soon! ;)

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

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