Sunday, December 9, 2012

Good Eats!

Hi Everyone!!

The Brown house has been busy Christmas shopping and getting ready to celebrate this beautiful time of year.  We hope you all are enjoying this festive time as much as we are.

We did a lot of delicious cooking these past weeks and everything has turned out so delicious.  I have picked out some new recipes from Pinterest to try each week.  I have "pinned" a lot and was starting to see double.  I figured it was best to try them out before continuing to pin more and more.

Last week I made a homemade marinara sauce to go with the homemade chicken parmesan.  Bruce absolutely loved it, which sorta surprised me because he isn't usually a chicken man.  And for dessert I made a Butter cake with whipped butter frosting. YUM! I had to send it with Bruce to work to get it out of the house ;).

This week I made eggs benedict.  The hollandaise sauce turned out soooo good.  I decided to follow the recipe exactly and hand whip the sauce, well that was the hardest part.  My arm was killing me by the time I was done, I think next time the kitchenaid will make an appearance.  I was a bit nervous because I had never poached an egg before, but it was relatively easy.  I found out the secret from a fellow "Pinner" was to add 3-4 tbsp of white vinegar to the water, which helps keep the egg together.  And for dessert I made mini cheesecake bites and they are delicious and SO easy.

You can go to Pinterest to join the site and find all of these delicious recipes :)

On Tuesday, when Bruce is off we are going to make all of our Christmas cookies.  We make them every year for a few friends, our mailman, and neighbors.  But this year we decided to send most of cookies to a few Marines that are overseas and are friends of friends.  We also found an amazing site that we feel everyone should take a look at.  It's called Any Soldier and it is a site that you can randomly chose a soldier that is currently deployed and send a gift.  There are a few rules, but it is relatively easy.  You can get the flat rate boxes at the post office and fill with all sorts of things.  We have done this for the past few years and it truly is an amazing site.  Please take a moment to check it out and send some holiday cheer to the people that work very hard to give us all our freedom.  :)

Well we hope all is well!! We will leave you with a few pics of our week.
Love and Miss you all TONS!! xoxo
Nic and Bruce

It finally came in! :) 

The gorgeous view we came out to after doing some shopping 

Mini Cheesecake bites 

Eggs Benedict

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