Sunday, January 13, 2013

2013 :)

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry we have been MIA from our blog, but you know how it is.  I am, of course, using the same old excuse....busy busy busy lives during the holiday season!

We are all very happy and healthy and had a wonderful Christmas, NYE, and start to 2013!!  Bruce is still doing very well at his new facility and position.  I am finally done with school!!! YAY!! I am still working as a nanny for the Miller family, and love every minute! I always say I am going to have the hardest time when I finally leave.  I will be starting the "big girl job" hunt once we decide where we are going to plant some roots.  Speaking of......

Yes the rumor is out, we are CONSIDERING moving back to MI.  We know three things for sure:

  1. We DO NOT want to live in the Soo.  (sorry fellow Soo peeps, but it's just not for us)
  2. We will make our final decision by this summer so we are able to purchase our first home either here in CO or in MI, no more procrastinating. 
  3. Bittersweet!! We are pulled in two directions.  We absolutely LOVE CO more than anywhere, but also want to be a bit closer to family and friends, which makes this decision bittersweet.  If we stay here, we know we will love our life and environment, but if we move back to MI we know we will love being closer to so many that we love.  
So yes, MI is an option we are thoroughly considering.  We are weighing all of our options and will definitely keep you all posted as to what we decide by the time summer rolls around.  

So back to the holiday season, we had a fabulous time.  Being promoted to Sgt. has its definite advantages.  One being, having the upper hand at getting days off.  Bruce was able to have Christmas Eve, Christmas, NYE, and New Years Day off.  It was such a pleasure to spend the time together.  We were able to spend Xmas eve with my Gram down in Pueblo.  Christmas we cuddled in our matching (yes I said matching! It's one of our family traditions we started a few years back:) PJ bottoms and relaxed.  We were able to Skype with some of our loved ones while opening our AMAZING gifts (THANK YOU!!).  We cooked a delicious dinner and cuddled up some more.  New years eve we had a few friends over and ate, drank, played games and repeated all night! It was so fun.  New years day was spent in PJ's watching football recuperating.  It's true what they say, the older you get the longer it takes to recover from a night of drinking. 

We have been busy snowshoeing every chance we get.  Our latest trip took us two hours up to Breckenridge and it was beautiful!! We had yet to go and it was just so awesome.  It is your typical tourist CO ski town, but we loved the charm.  And the trail we took was breath-taking.   Weight Watchers is again in progress.  I took a few weeks off for the holidays and am back at it.  Hopefully the new year brings a more disciplined 2013. Wish me luck! 

Well that pretty much sums up our lives for the past month......Holiday fun, celebrating, being adventurous in the mountains, and weighing our options for future decisions.  Typical ;) 

We hope you all are doing well.  
Love and Miss you all tons! 
Bruce, Nic, and Pudge 

One of the views we saw at the top of our climb

Xmas morning breakfast! TY Pinterst for the yummy idea! 
(Crescent rolls, cream cheese, apple pie filing, & cinnamon sugar)

Stuffed Peppers! YUUUM! 

We made homemade chocolate covered pretzels. They turned out so good! 

My team lost last night! It was so depressing to drive by the stadium today.
But there's always next year! #Broncos

Our new stockings. We love them! :) 

The beautiful 16x20 canvas we received as a gift! I LOVE it! 
The framed dates are those of the date we started dating, got engaged, and 
married.  The idea came from pinterest of course, and it's super cute! 

One of our favorite gifts.  A dutch oven pot (I have been DYING for one!)
And an adorable MI oven mit.  One side has the U.P and the other downstate.

Bruce jumping off a hill while snowshoeing


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