Friday, June 22, 2012


So summer is officially here (for us) and blazing! We are eating it right up!

We are keeping very busy being outdoorsy except on the days when it's WAY too hot to be outside.  But those days are not lost on us.  We usually stay in the cool house reading and relaxing or SHOPPING in the comfort of someone else's AC.

Not to much new to report.  Bruce felt ok (it was so nerve racking) about his polygraph test.  The guy did his job of intimidation very well and that was scary for Bruce, but since he has nothing to hide we are positive he passed.  Now the waiting game continues.  Until August/September when our personal deadline hits and we buy a house and settle here, waiting no longer.  So keep those positive thoughts coming.  WW went well again.  Lost another 1.6 this week.  I am back to hitting the pavement, and let me tell is hurting! With the time off and the heat rising, my body officially hates me.  But I know in the end it is good and will eventually go back to feeling good too.

Bruce has tomorrow off (a very rare occurrence!) and there happens to be a festival in town so we are very excited to spend the day together!! And Tuesday we are heading up to the lake in the mountains and going kayaking.  WE LOVE SUMMER!!!!!

Hope all is well with you all!!! We love and miss you tons!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

Pudge enjoying his kiddie pool! haha :) 

 We got to watch the Tigers! Even if it was on the computer! 

 My boys! Cuddling before bed. <3 them! 


 So random, but can you believe this lemon!! It's bigger than my hand and soooo round!  It came straight from Cali from a friends tree! We got a ton from them and I have plans for fresh lemonade, lemon pepper chicken, and a Roasted lemon hen.  :) 

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