Saturday, June 30, 2012


So as most of you know, it has been HOTTTTT in CO.  So hot that most of CO is on fire!!! (please send some happy thoughts this way for all those affected)

Anyways, it's been pretty unbearable.  Way too hot to spend much time outside.  It has been early mornings in the Brown household.  Pudge and I have had to leave early in the morning for our daily runs, but we are slowly beginning to get back to the point we were at before the race.

Last Tuesday we could bare the heat no more and headed to Lake Isabel in the mountains.  As soon as we hit the mountains the breeze instantly change from scorching hot to cool and WONDERFUL!!! We took the kayaks out and lounged in the middle of the lake.  It was HEAVEN! We loved every single minute of it.

I leave Thursday to head home.  I am so excited to see everyone and spend some time celebrating all the wonderful weddings.   Bruce and Pudge are also doing very well.  Bruce got hired on to the ERT team through the state of CO and prison system, which is amazing.  They are picky and he got in quickly and was even recommended.  Have I mentioned lately how amazing he is?!

We hope you all are doing well.  We miss and love you all so much!! I will see most of you sooooon!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

Ready to hit the road :)

 Our surroundings 

 Relaxin'....Doesn't get much better than this! 

 My amazing hubby 

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