Tuesday, August 28, 2012

One Year!!

Yesterday was our One Year Anniversary!!! We just can't believe it has been one whole year already!! I guess it's true what they say......time flys when you're having fun!!

We had a fantastic day filled with family and friends in Denver.  We were able to do some shopping, visit Uncle Kent at his final resting spot, and had a lovely dinner.  We came home and had an evening of quality time together doing some of our favorite things.....bringing the spare bedroom mattress out and watching movies while drinking wine. We also did the ceremonial cut of our top tier of our cake.  And I must say I was nervous to eat it thinking it would be all gross from sitting in the freezer for an entire year, but it was actually pretty good!! haha :)

Our gift to each other as a couple got delivered a couple days ago and we love the new TV and treadmill.  :)  We agreed to not get each other any other gifts, BUT of course neither of us followed that rule.  One of my favorite gifts that I got from Bruce was a beautifully written letter on beautiful paper that also happen to smell of Bruce, one of my favorite smell in the entire world! :) It was a gift of paper for our first anniversary.  I absolutely LOVE it and will cherish if FOREVER!  It beats out all the diamonds, flowers, and treadmills in the world of other gifts! It's the small things that Bruce does that AMAZES me! I am one lucky lady to be able to call myself Mrs. Paul Brown!!

We also have AMAZING friends and family, but you all know that hehehe ;)  THANK YOU SO SO SO much for the wonderful gifts and beautiful words.  We are truly blessed to have you in our lives!

Anyways, this week will be full of packing and getting organized for our big move! I have this week off so I plan to accomplish as much as humanly possible in the short time! Wish me luck!! Other than that, nothing to new to report.  Just spending lots of time with family that is here visiting, which has been so amazing! We don't want them to leave.......

We hope all is well!! And we miss and love you all tons!
Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxoxo

Cutting the top tier of our cake! 

One year ago I became Mrs. Brown, the luckiest lady in the WORLD! 

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