Monday, August 13, 2012

Traveling Queen

We are BACK! :)

It has definitely been a VERY busy month!!  I had an absolute BLAST at home for Naomi & Mike's wedding.  It was beautiful and so much fun with a ton of my closets friends!! Naomi couldn't have been more gorgeous, and the entire weekend turned out to be AMAZING!

This past trip was an 11 day trip, but it felt like it flew by! I was so busy seeing as many people as I could and of course busy getting ready for their big day!! I was also able to spend a little more time at the beach, which was GREAT! And I was also able to see a few of you "downstaters."  It was just an incredible time.  It would have definitely been better to have Bruce with me, but it was still a blast.

Bruce is doing so well.  He has a interview this Thursday for a Sgts. position, so please send some good vibes his way! :)  He is just so amazing, already up for a Sgts. position, I am just so proud of him. Pudge is wonderful too, still enjoying the weather ;)

I am doing well.  I have missed a month of WW and have had vacation food, so I am looking forward to getting back on track and to start losing again.  I actually miss the meetings, if you can believe it!  I am flying out again friday to travel home for my cousins wedding on the 18th! I am definitely looking forward to being with family and friends again!

 In other Brown Family news, we splurged a little and bought ourselves an early one year wedding anniversary gift.  We have been wanting a treadmill for a while to be able to run inside on cold, rainy, and way too hott to run outside days.  We finally decided that the celebration of one amazing year of marriage was a good enough excuse to splurge on ourselves a little.  So we ordered a great treadmill AND a smaller flat screen TV to set up with the treadmill to watch while we run.  We are officially spoiled with the TV, but to be honest we rarely splurge and it'll be a nice encouragement device. ;) So we will move the desk and B's computer to the spare bedroom and turn the office to a workout room.  We are very excited.  I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as we get it all set up.  It's all suppose to be delivered by August 20th.

Well we hope you all are doing well!! We miss you all terribly.

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

Wedding Party!! :) 

 FaceTime date with my boys! 

 Delicious Bruschetta made with our home grown tomatoes

Beautiful sunset :) 

 Welcome home flowers from the hubby! xo

 My first homemade chicken pot pie! Turned out so delicious! 

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