Monday, June 27, 2011

FINALLY....a break from the HEAT!

We are happy to report that we are finally getting somewhere with our stolen bank information/money situation! Thank goodness!! :-)

We found some really nice roses on our rose bush! I am particularly proud because I am just beginning to learn how to 'grow things' haha.  I also am happy to report that I have 3 tomatoes growing like weed! I can't wait to eat them!!

So instead of the usual 100 degree weather, it was only 86 out and cloudy!!! Bruce and I took full advantage of this weather and went for a long walk with Pudge!! It was wonderful!!

Here are a few pictures of Pudge after he found the biggest stick on the trail and decided it was his new toy! And our roses!



Some beautiful roses from our rose bushes!

Hope you all had a GREAT weekend!
Nichole & Bruce xo

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rough Weekend

So Bruce and I started the weekend off by realizing that someone had stolen our bank information along with money money money......needless to say not a pleasant way to start off the weekend.  After arguing our side we finally got some positive reinforcement, and a slight glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel today! (this of course came after many sleepless nights and worry throughout our days off)

Then we also received some bad news about one of our ushers and one groomsmen! We have come to conclude that we have to expect the worst and hope for the best! Not to mention we completely forgot about our oil change appointment at Ford and because our car was in dyer dyer need of an oil change (all my travel back and forth from Denver) we were forced to go to a Jiffy Lube.  And approximately 15 minutes from the time I left the garage on my way to Denver Bruce called with the news that our 2009 Fusion, in which we bought brand new, was leaking oil.  So of course I had to lug the kids to the nearest Jiffy Lube to make sure they didn't screw up.  Not sure exactly what was wrong and fixed but our oil is not leaking anymore!! THANK GOODNESS!!!

But with all that said, we made a few cocktails and had a pretty good last night together before I left for Denver.  We decided to try and look at everything glass half full and just stay positive! So with that said the rest of the week so far is getting better and better as it goes.  We are planning a hiking trip this weekend.  It'll be so nice to get out in the wilderness and get some great exercise and peaceful time with my wonderful fiance'!

Hope you all had a GREAT weekend!
Nic & Bruce

Saturday, June 18, 2011


So today was Pudge's 4th (28th) birthday!!! YAY!! He is a wonderful dog and our baby! He had a great day filled with lots and lots of fetch with his ball (his fav) and playing in the river at the River Walk Park in Canon.  Of course he also had a delicious dog cake and toys!! THANK YOU Grandma Smith!!!

At the park for a little picnic with some birthday treats!

Cooling off in the River

Thank you Grandma Smith

Yummy cake!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The popular one is.....BRUCE!

So I travel to Denver on Wednesday afternoons to work until Friday evening and then come home.  I work for a WONDERFUL family and have been with them for almost 3 years now.  I watch two kids, Elliot almost 3 and Chelsea 7 months.  I have had Elliot pretty much since birth and Chelsea the same. 

Elliot had done many things with Bruce and has never forgotten him, even with Bruce's lack of appearances since the move.  So today Bruce called to say hello and immediately Elliot's says "I want to talk to Bruce, I want to talk to Bruce!!" 

I said "OK here he is." And Elliot proceeded to have a full blown "kid convo" with Bruce.  He was very pleased with himself. And after many minutes he finally gave the phone back and I finished the conversation and hung up. 

After about 5 minutes Elliot says "Cole I want Bruce to come play with me tomorrow, you can go to work" haha!! (Elliot thinks when I am not at his house with him I go to work since that is what mommy and daddy do) I said "Elliot, won't you miss me?!" and he responded with "Nope, I miss Bruce!"

Needless to say my heart melted! SO cute!!! :-)

Monday, June 13, 2011

WINO!! :-)

Well today was beautiful out! High of 93, but cloudy, which is unusual for Colorado.  The clouds provided a much needed and nice break from the intense sun, and also brought a wonderful breeze!

Pudge and I started our day with a run, before the pavement got too hot for his paws.  He is doing much better on a leash and I actually enjoy taking him with me now! Pudge would report that I am also improving as a leash holder and keeping up! :-)

Then we went into town to do some errands and by the time I got home Bruce was up! YAY!! So we showered and hit the road.  We attempted to stop at the DMV to renew our tags but quickly ran in the opposite direction at the site of the HUMONGOUS line! We vowed to go early tomorrow morning. (we will see how that works out, at least we have until July ;)

Off to the post office it was.  INVITATIONS are officially out and on their way!! THANK GOODNESS!! We could NOT wait to get those things out of our faces! :-) We decided to save a huge amount of money and make our own. BUT with everything it took, I would now glady pay the money! haha But it is done and that is that!

So to reward ourselves we headed to the well known Holy Cross Abbey Winery.  DELICIOUS!!! I packed a picnic basket with cheese, crackers, & cherry tomatoes for a snack.  So we enjoyed the breeze on their patio with a freshly made and cooled bottle of wine! Wonderful!

Now we are home with movies, popcorn, and PJ's! Great way to end a Great day!

Hope you all enjoyed your Mondays!!
Bruce enjoying the day

Holy Cross Abbey Winery grounds

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beautiful Day in the neighborhood!!

So today was a blazing 87 degrees by 11:30 am, which is definitely better then cold and rainy.  So Pudge and I went out to do errands while Bruce slept after his night shift. 

First we headed to the farmers market of Canon City.  I am completely obsessed with Farmers Markets.  I love everything about them. The cool early mornings, the shuffle of people that always seem very happy to be there, the fact that Pudge is more than welcome, and not to mention the SMELL of fresh delicious fruits and vegetables.  These are just a few of my favorite things. We came home with some fresh organic lettuce, green onion, potatoes, and a new plastic bag holder! Success

Then we dropped off a donation to Good Will, and I will admit I did browse for treasures! I am completely obsessed with finding an old vintage-like frame to turn into a mail/note holder.  My plan is to take out the picture or painting and attach some sort of wire in it's place. Then add a few cloths pins and call it a finished product! I will admit, especially with the wedding right around the corner and the many trips to craft stores, the craft bug has bitten!!!!  But to my dismay, today wasn't my lucky day and I did not find my "perfect vintage-like" frame, maybe on the next trip!

Then off to the local corner store (Bruce and I would much rather give our money to local owned ANYTHING than Walmart or huge chain store) for some fresh milk & eggs.

Homeward bound to find Bruce up and at 'em! We took Pudge to the local park and threw his ball!!!! He loves that more then anything, even food!! Then we came home and watered plants and sat on the patio!

All in All, a WONDERFUL day!!!

Here is a picture of Pudge in his 'kiddy pool' that he also adores!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Decision has been made! (obviously:)

So after many months of contemplating whether or not to create a blog for ourselves, we have finally DONE IT!!!!
We wanted a way (NOT FACEBOOK) to keep in touch with family and friends, and this seemed the most reasonable. We wouldn't call ourselves 'blog savy', so please bare with us while we learn and grow.

 We are excited about this blog and can't wait to share our adventures with the ones we love.