Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beautiful Day in the neighborhood!!

So today was a blazing 87 degrees by 11:30 am, which is definitely better then cold and rainy.  So Pudge and I went out to do errands while Bruce slept after his night shift. 

First we headed to the farmers market of Canon City.  I am completely obsessed with Farmers Markets.  I love everything about them. The cool early mornings, the shuffle of people that always seem very happy to be there, the fact that Pudge is more than welcome, and not to mention the SMELL of fresh delicious fruits and vegetables.  These are just a few of my favorite things. We came home with some fresh organic lettuce, green onion, potatoes, and a new plastic bag holder! Success

Then we dropped off a donation to Good Will, and I will admit I did browse for treasures! I am completely obsessed with finding an old vintage-like frame to turn into a mail/note holder.  My plan is to take out the picture or painting and attach some sort of wire in it's place. Then add a few cloths pins and call it a finished product! I will admit, especially with the wedding right around the corner and the many trips to craft stores, the craft bug has bitten!!!!  But to my dismay, today wasn't my lucky day and I did not find my "perfect vintage-like" frame, maybe on the next trip!

Then off to the local corner store (Bruce and I would much rather give our money to local owned ANYTHING than Walmart or huge chain store) for some fresh milk & eggs.

Homeward bound to find Bruce up and at 'em! We took Pudge to the local park and threw his ball!!!! He loves that more then anything, even food!! Then we came home and watered plants and sat on the patio!

All in All, a WONDERFUL day!!!

Here is a picture of Pudge in his 'kiddy pool' that he also adores!

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