Monday, June 13, 2011

WINO!! :-)

Well today was beautiful out! High of 93, but cloudy, which is unusual for Colorado.  The clouds provided a much needed and nice break from the intense sun, and also brought a wonderful breeze!

Pudge and I started our day with a run, before the pavement got too hot for his paws.  He is doing much better on a leash and I actually enjoy taking him with me now! Pudge would report that I am also improving as a leash holder and keeping up! :-)

Then we went into town to do some errands and by the time I got home Bruce was up! YAY!! So we showered and hit the road.  We attempted to stop at the DMV to renew our tags but quickly ran in the opposite direction at the site of the HUMONGOUS line! We vowed to go early tomorrow morning. (we will see how that works out, at least we have until July ;)

Off to the post office it was.  INVITATIONS are officially out and on their way!! THANK GOODNESS!! We could NOT wait to get those things out of our faces! :-) We decided to save a huge amount of money and make our own. BUT with everything it took, I would now glady pay the money! haha But it is done and that is that!

So to reward ourselves we headed to the well known Holy Cross Abbey Winery.  DELICIOUS!!! I packed a picnic basket with cheese, crackers, & cherry tomatoes for a snack.  So we enjoyed the breeze on their patio with a freshly made and cooled bottle of wine! Wonderful!

Now we are home with movies, popcorn, and PJ's! Great way to end a Great day!

Hope you all enjoyed your Mondays!!
Bruce enjoying the day

Holy Cross Abbey Winery grounds

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