Thursday, June 16, 2011

The popular one is.....BRUCE!

So I travel to Denver on Wednesday afternoons to work until Friday evening and then come home.  I work for a WONDERFUL family and have been with them for almost 3 years now.  I watch two kids, Elliot almost 3 and Chelsea 7 months.  I have had Elliot pretty much since birth and Chelsea the same. 

Elliot had done many things with Bruce and has never forgotten him, even with Bruce's lack of appearances since the move.  So today Bruce called to say hello and immediately Elliot's says "I want to talk to Bruce, I want to talk to Bruce!!" 

I said "OK here he is." And Elliot proceeded to have a full blown "kid convo" with Bruce.  He was very pleased with himself. And after many minutes he finally gave the phone back and I finished the conversation and hung up. 

After about 5 minutes Elliot says "Cole I want Bruce to come play with me tomorrow, you can go to work" haha!! (Elliot thinks when I am not at his house with him I go to work since that is what mommy and daddy do) I said "Elliot, won't you miss me?!" and he responded with "Nope, I miss Bruce!"

Needless to say my heart melted! SO cute!!! :-)

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