Monday, June 27, 2011

FINALLY....a break from the HEAT!

We are happy to report that we are finally getting somewhere with our stolen bank information/money situation! Thank goodness!! :-)

We found some really nice roses on our rose bush! I am particularly proud because I am just beginning to learn how to 'grow things' haha.  I also am happy to report that I have 3 tomatoes growing like weed! I can't wait to eat them!!

So instead of the usual 100 degree weather, it was only 86 out and cloudy!!! Bruce and I took full advantage of this weather and went for a long walk with Pudge!! It was wonderful!!

Here are a few pictures of Pudge after he found the biggest stick on the trail and decided it was his new toy! And our roses!



Some beautiful roses from our rose bushes!

Hope you all had a GREAT weekend!
Nichole & Bruce xo

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