Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Got my craft & cook on! :)

So today I decided to try my luck on a recipe Bruce has been dying for and some small apothecary-like vases......they both turned out just as planned!!! I was so excited!! Have I mentioned that I LOVE LOVE LOVE pinterest?! Both projects came from there!

For the apothecary vases I went to the dollar tree and used their small and medium candle sticks and small vases.  I clued the vase to the top of the candle sticks, that simple! I filled them will Q-tips and cotton balls and put them in our bathroom! They look great! I want to try a different, shorter and thicker, candle stick type, but they didn't have them at the dollar tree I looked at.  So of course I will stop at a dollar tree in Denver to see if they have them, I mean can't hurt right?! It's only a buck!!

This morning I made a delicious cinnamon bun casserole! It was so delicious and Bruce loved it! I took a pack of cinnamon buns and baked them according to their directions, cooled them, and pulled them apart. Put them in a baking dish and added the egg mixture (eggs, milk, sugar, and cinnamon).  After pouring the egg mix over the entire dish I cubed some butter and put them on top with some pecans. I covered and out it in the fridge for four hours, then baked at 350 for 50 mins. SO DELICIOUS & EASY!

I love crafty days! And days that I am able to bake and not burn anything!  I also made some scalloped potatoes, shake n' bake chicken, corn, and chicken stuffing for dinner! We finished laundry and got ready for the work week ahead, all and all a wonderful fall day! :)

Here are a few pictures of the fun today!  Hope all is well!

Bruce, Nic, & Pudge xoxo

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