Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday America! :)

Sorry we haven't been blogging lately, we have had too much fun in the sun to be on the computer long enough to blog! But here we are!! :)

So this weekend was very productive one for the wedding. We have been receiving lots and lots and lots of RSVP cards and are getting a good jump start on things and numbers! We have designed our programs on and are just waiting to press the "order" button when we get the go ahead approval from the church! YAY! We also designed the rehearsal dinner invites from and will order them along with the programs to save on shipping! I am not usually one to just order off a website, I like to try and make everything myself to be creative (I'm learning slowly but surely) and save money, but decided after all of the DYI's (do it yourself) projects I have successfully completed for the wedding, to cut myself a break! And not to mention ALL the time and effort that was put into the invitations wore me right out! So it'll be nice to just receive them in the mail and not have to worry about having to do anything else! And I of course searched around for a good coupon, and paired with their already great prices I got these dirt cheap! I order a sample and I am very happy with the quality! So all in all a great find and decided not to be so hard on myself! :)

I had an extra day off work so I was able to get a lot of workouts in, which is good beings tho I desperately need to loose some LBS's for the wedding! I was also able to get a good cleaning in and allow us more time to spend carefree! I love when grown up things like cleaning and laundry don't interfere with our fun time! haha ;)

So today we had a great great day! We started the day off by having lunch at one of our favorite restaurants in our new town! Then we headed to Home Depot to get more flowers.  We needed to replenish our flower pots with flowers that were.....ummmmmm...ALIVE! I will not mention who forgot to water the flowers haha ;) and with the intense intense sun out here they were as dead as a door knob by Thursday when I returned home! So we planted and re-potted all the new flowers, that were thankfully on sale. The outside of our house is now back to looking great again!

Then we packed up water bottles filled with ice cold water, blankets, chairs, and some toys for pudge and headed into Canon City to the park early to ensure we had a place to see the fireworks.  We got there 3 hours early! haha we let Pudge play in the water and when it started to cool off we were able to play with his Frisbee and he had a blast! Bruce and I relaxed on the blanket and played skipbo! We were in the park to the back and were practically all by ourselves! We LOVED this because we were able to have pudge off leash and do as we please! Spread out and relax! We couldn't figure out why people would cram into the front park instead of spreading out....hmmmmmmm....but better for us tho!  We got some ice cream, even Pudge got a kiddie vanilla cone, which he thoroughly enjoyed (ice cream is his fav)! But the fireworks were not impressive, there wasn't even a finale! But we found out about 20 minutes after leaving that the fire works were put on hold due to a small fire that had started at the ignition site.  So we take it back and look forward to seeing next years and being completely impressed!

All in all a wonderful couple of days!

Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!

Nic and Bruce xoxo

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