Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The final countdown has started!!! Officially ONE MONTH until the big day!! I will admit the stress level has risen quite a bit, but I am trying my best to stay calm and collected!

We have finished up all the DYI (do it yourself) projects and have packed all wedding related things into their boxes safe and sound.  Sunday Bruce and I will be packing the car to the rim and I will be leaving bright and early Monday morning for the long 24 hour haul back to Michigan.  This is the first time I am making this trip driving all by myself, I am a tad bit nervous! But my plan is to load up on caffeine (I never really have caffeine, so the affects are quite funny) and drive straight through to arrive at my soon-to-be mother-in-laws, Rosie's house in Grand Rapids Michigan (20hrs).  Bruce could only get so much time off from his new job and this has to be done, so BRING IT ON!!

Pudge and I plan on passing out immediately and sleeping for about 6 or 7 hours.  Then Grandpa Brown will be driving over from Fountain to pick up Pudge for a fun filled day and night at the cabin with his GF Jane! Rosie and I will finish up shopping for a few odds and ends and then I will hit the road again to drive to Detroit to meet the girls

GO TIGERS!!!! The girls and I will be attending a Tigers game and having a fun night out on the town in Detroit! :) :) Wednesday I will drive back through Grand Rapids and pick up the car load and Pudge to finish the last part of the trip to the SOO!

Here are a few of the exciting events this month! CAN'T WAIT!!!!

8-1: Drive to MI
8-2: Tigers game
8-3: Head up to the Soo
8-8: Hair Trial
8-18: Finally reunited with EC!
8-20: BACH PARTY!!!
8-23: Scott & Damon get into town!
8-25: Bruce gets into town & has his Bach party!!!!
8-26: Pampering day with the girls & Rehearsal

Busy busy busy month!!! But can't wait to make some wonderful memories!!!! See you all soon!

Nic, Bruce, & Pudge xoxo

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