Friday, July 15, 2011


So I am coming to vent....yes I said vent! I know I know, not an attractive way to start a blog post, but I just have to!

OVERWHELMED doesn't even begin to describe what I am feeling! I thought I was so well organized and a head of the game that this would not happen to me, BUT I was sadly mistaken.  I know everything will turn out great, and even if it doesn't I am still getting to marry the best man there is, but geesh......  I just want to get home to MI and get things organized.  I am an organizing freak and when I can't be completely organized I am flustered!

I am lucky enough to have an amazing support group though.  I know everything will get done and done well, it's just the wait game that is getting to me now.  We are ordering the odds and ends in the next few weeks and paying the rest of the bills, which feel amazing.  But everything sits in boxes, some stuff not yet put together, here in CO and it is driving me IN SANE! I have so much to do but feel so helpless right now because I am  unable to work on anything else until I get home to MI! BUT I am trying to make myself chill out and relax. 

Main goal until I am home to Michigan.....RELAX and only worry about what I can.....WISH ME LUCK! :)

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