Monday, January 2, 2012

Dear Blog......I have an addiction!

Yes, I am talking about Pinterest again....yada yada yada! BUT I will say this, I feel as if it is a GREAT addiction to have.  It has made me more......hmmm I'm not sure I like this, but.....DOMESTICATED! I didn't know much about crafting, baking, and cooking when Bruce and I first got together, and was slowly coming around, especially after the wedding.  But I must say, all three of these areas have improved SO MUCH since joining Pinterest.  If you haven't checked it out yet, GO.....RUN....NOW!  Here are a few pics of the latest projects.  Oh and I am happy to report supplies have been purchased for our headboard.  All that is left is fabric, and that is what is holding the project up, the big choice of fabric.  I am giving myself the rest of the week to decide and then we will proceed to make it next weekend!

Homemade Stew! Very delicious recipe! 

Homemade peanut butter cups. Bruce was drooling over these! 

This didn't come from pinterest, but it was a gift we received for Xmas, isn't it cute?!
I've never had so much fun making popcorn!

Homemade ham & bean soup.  Bruce has been asking for this after every Xmas ham for the past 2 years! I have finally done it!! :)

A blast from the past! Thanks for the reminder interest! 

Dollar tree apothecary-like vases for the bathroom.  I originally made ones with taller thinner candle sticks and didn't like them too much.  Found the smaller thicker candle sticks and now love them! 

Hope all is well!! 
Nichole xoxo

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