Sunday, January 29, 2012

Taxes & Randomness : )

We will start off by saying for the first time in years we actually LOVE tax season!!!! We are finally experiencing the fun of it!

Of course we are being semi-responsible with it, but we are finally splurging on ourselves, something we very rarely do!! We will be putting half of our return in savings and getting a complete tuneup for both vehicles (our responsible side).   After which we will begin our splurging, here we come iPhone 4s, we are in dyer need of new phones!!! We will also force ourselves to purchase a kitchen table.  Now I say force because I (not we hehe) have been putting this decision off for some time now (a year to be exact). Due to indecisiveness and being scared that we will purchase one and it will not fit in our future home! ahhhhhh! But Bruce has said that since we received more back than expected we should do the semi-responsible thing and use the unexpected money for a nice table so that we don't have to use our "everyday" money on the purchase....I LOVE the way he thinks :) So we will go next week to the Springs and finally make a purchase.  We will be driving the truck the 45mins to the Springs so we have no excuse but to go home with a table instead of wasting our precious gas on just the drive. I know it sounds crazy to stew this much over a table, I mean it's just a table right?! Well I'll let you know how that concept goes over after the many hours of shopping.....

And last but not least we will be getting the iPad2.  We can't really spend the thousands of dollars on the ideal iMac right now, there are just so many other things to spend or save the money on and for.  As much as Bruce would enjoy an iMac we truly can't afford to get the dream one and would rather wait until we can purchase the perfect one to last us years to come.  So iPad2 it is. I think he (and I) will thoroughly enjoy it.

On a completely different note, how do you ladies paint your own nails so well?!?!?!? I had a mini-freak out last night.  I acted like a 3 year old child, I was sitting on the floor and after the third time messing up my nails I kicked my feet and cried. Ha! I'm glad I was the only one home to witness it BUT still feel embarrassed, even if it was only me. :) I got this amazing new mani pedi kit for Xmas and finally decided to try it out.  All I can say is WTF!! I can't seem to paint my own nails! I just don't understand why! It is so frustrating! So if any of you have any advice or tricks, it would be appreciated!

I forgot our camera the last snowshoeing trip, but Tuesday we will be taking off early to head up the mountains and I WILL NOT forget it this time!  We can't wait! It's so peaceful up in the mountains, and of course beautiful.  I am also happy to report that we are doing very well health-wise.  Bruce is excelling in his running program, those long legs do wonders on the pavement.  And I am thoroughly enjoying Weight Watchers (it keeps me completely honest) and my workout DVDs and running program.  It feels great, for both of us!

Also I have recently started to get what I can only determine to be heartburn....I think?!?! After explaining it to Bruce that is what he thinks it is anyways.  I have never gotten this before, but maybe due to diet change?! I am currently hunting for a good over the counter medicine for it, I'm so clueless.  I also HATE taking anything but a vitamin (Women's one a day) so anyone with and advice would be appreciated.....ugggghhh I know it sounds weird but for some reason getting heartburn makes me feel old! haha I guess because I can remember my Dad or Gramps or someone always a significant bit older than me having it.  Oh well, time to deal.

Well that is about it for this week.  Sorry for the randomness and insignificance to this post! Maybe next time we will have something more exciting to report.....come to think of it, probably not! hahaha :)

Miss and Love you all so much!!
Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

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