Saturday, January 14, 2012


As I type, Tim Tebow and the Broncos are fighting for their season against Tom Brady and the Patriots.  I am a HUGE Tim Tebow and Broncos fan! So please excuse the typos or random capital letters, which would be my version of yelling at the TV while on the computer! My title is dedicated to the Broncos this week! :) GO BRONCOS!!

Anyways, we are doing very well, except this persistent cough that is plaguing our household.  Bruce is thoroughly enjoying his new schedule and I am LOVING having him home at night.  BUT this schedule does allow for a lot of free time for me with Bruce being gone from 2-10 on my days off.  Needless to say my Pinterest addiction has worsened! But I am loving every minute of learning to cook and craft (and so is Bruce)!  Bruce is also doing very well with his new work out schedule, and is feeling great after each run!

Pudge is as spoiled as can be.  It has been in the high 50's low 60's all week and is suppose to continue throughout this week, so this allows for lots of trips to the park!!  He will run and run and run if you throw and throw and throw his ball! It's just too nice to be cooped up in the house, so outside it is for us! He had to go in for grooming last week, so a trip to the "treat bar" at PetCo is always fun for him!

I have a meeting on Friday morning to get my classes and graduating in order, I'm a little nervous, but VERY anxious to get this (excuse my language) SHIT over with! Today we bought my ticket to CT to go visit my friends Mike, Naomi, and Tucker! We will also have Naomi's bachelorette party in NYC while we are all there! I am beyond excited, I have always wanted to go to NYC!!

The house hunt continues.  The one house we were in love with wasn't meant to be, so we continue to search nearly everyday.  Nothing has caught our eye quite yet, but we are staying hopeful and knowing that we would like to wait until the end of the summer to see if Boarder comes a calling anyway is a relief.  Taking our time is actually a good thing for our situation. Speaking of taking our time, Bruce is now on a 2012 Ford Explorer kick instead of the Escape we have had our eye on.  I don't really care either way (is that bad?!) just as long as the vehicle can hold future strollers and groceries simultaneously and has 4 wheel drive I will be a happy camper, Bruce is the VERY picky one.  He has changed his mind a dozen times, but I did give him an absolute deadline of September......we need a new vehicle!! So hopefully by September we will have our second new vehicle, AND second car payment....blahhhhhh!!! That part does NOT amuse me, I like only having one car payment!

Other than that it is business as usual! We plan on going snowshoeing this "weekend" and enjoying the beautiful weather!! Hope all is well!! We miss and love you all so much!! I will leave you with a few pictures....

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

My first monkey bread! Turned out delicious! Found on Pinterest here:

 Ornament Wreath! You can find the directions here:

 Fat free pudding pops! Found on Pinterst here:

 Pikes Peak at sunset on our drive home!

Dreamy Oreo Brownie! Bruce was in love! Found on Pinterest!

 Pudge waiting to go play with his ball! It's a stare contest!! 

 Homemade sugar scrub! This is amazing stuff!! My skin is so soft after using it!! Found on Pinterest here:

 My adorable pink cover for my Mac! Love it!! :)

 Love Stamped jewelry! New charm with our wedding date on it. Worn on a second necklace! Love the layered necklace look. 


  1. Wow, lots going on! I have to say I am extremely jealous of your weather. Up here in Canada at this time of year is cold, snow, and cold.

    Thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog! I am always thrilled to see new followers as well. :)

    1. I am originally from The U.P of MI, we moved here about 3 years ago and I am still not use to this weather! haha It sure is nice not to be in -20, windchill, lake effect, and 5ft of snow! :) Can't wait to continue following your blog and get your great advice!! :)
