Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lilies & Cheesecake

It has been in the mid 60's for the past week, yes people....I said 60's!!! We are eating it up!! We have been able to go to the parks daily with Pudge before Bruce heads to work and because it's so nice down here (in the foot hills) it makes for beautiful days in the mountains and they have been incredible.

Bruce is doing very well.  He received another email from Border yesterday morning with a push-up and sit-up routine to follow, so the sings are looking good! But as usual, we are trying to stay grounded until we get final word either way.  He is making tremendous strides in his job with the State of CO also, moving up quickly and being recognized for it! So proud of him! He is such a hard worker.....he's truly a saint! I'm sure he would disagree with me, but really he is! I aspire to be a wonderful kind hearted person like him! I am truly blessed to have him in my life!

I am doing well. FINALLY healthy and happy about it! I have finally kicked that obnoxious cough and am feeling great! My amazing friend Lisa has sent me a few work out DVDs and I am enjoying the difficult task at hand.  I am also following the app couch to 5K.  Bruce and I are signed up for our first 5k of 2012 in May, we must be ready! :) My school meeting went very well, thank goodness and I have thoroughly learned my lesson and will NOT be procrastinating as bad as I have in the past EVER EVER EVER again! It is truly not worth the worry! So getting off (excuse my language again;) my ASS and getting this SHIT done is a MUST! So far so good! 

Pudge was a little sick this past week.  Like so many Labradors he has a small skin condition.  He will sporadically get sores on his chin and sometimes on his face....not very big but defiantly noticeable and very itchy for him.  We have had biopsies done and even paid for the lab results to be sent to a specialist in California, but all they could come up with was he is allergic or sensitive to something and they (and we) aren't sure what......hmmmm to say the least I was NOT happy about paying the $400 for this answer, something I had already figured.  But I suppose better safe than sorry! Anyways he got one on his chin and when this happens we give him a half of a steroid for a couple days, along with some Benadryl to sooth the itching.  I HATE giving him these, they make him very sluggish compared to his normal self.  But it doesn't happen too often so I guess we can deal with the couple of times a year episodes.  He is feeling much better, and let me be honest even with the medication this did not seem to alter his willingness to play with his ball! :)

Other than that it is business as the dream here in CO.  The biggest dilemma in the house right now is Bruce trying to decide what kind of computer he wants.  We want to stick with Apple, as we now have the laptop and I think he is trying to decided between the iPad and iMac.  He wants the luxury of the iPad, but wants the big iMac to keep in the household for many years to come.  We are completely new to Apple besides our phones, so if any of you have any good advice we would appreciate it.  I am, of course, still using Pinterest daily and have made many strides in my ability to cook and bake, which has made for a happy and very FULL household.  I was just telling Bruce that I use to dread it and now I am thoroughly enjoying it!! This week I made Chicken with mushrooms and cream sauce (HOLY MOLLY YUM!!!) Bruschetta (YUM) and NY style cheesecake.  Bruce loved all three! :) 

We hope you all are doing very well! We love and miss you so so so much!!
Until next time.....

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge 

The beautiful lilies that Bruce had for me when I woke up a couple days ago. Flowers for no reason is the best reason aren't they?!

My very first NY Style Cheesecake! It turned out delicious!! :) 

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