Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012

YAY!!! Happy New Year everyone!!! It's the start of a wonderful year, I can just feel it.  The first of the new year is always my favorite, it's starting with a clean slate!  So with our clean slate there are so many things we want to check off our goals excited to get started!!

But first I must be a bit of a complainer and say we had one hell of a NYE morning.  I woke up to a huge thump, to which I immediately woke Bruce up and asked if he had heard it to.  He assured me that it was just the wind and not to worry.  But after I rolled over and was not able to fall back asleep after 20 minutes I decided to get up "just to make sure."  When I looked out the patio door my jaw immediately hit the floor.  We had a semi-large shed in the back right corner of our yard, which held our lawnmower, patio set, fire pit, kayaks, and all things summer pretty much.  Well what I saw did NOT resemble our normal backyard layout.  It was so windy that the shed doors were completely blown in and off of the shed itself, which of course turned the shed into a very large kite!! At that point it had been completely ripped off it's base and was half on the four corners of ours and our neighbors fences and half sitting on top of our things.  So after screaming for Bruce, he also stood in shock as he looked out our slider.  We then threw on our cloths and carefully hauled our belongings to the garage, which was luckily just cleaned and had ample room.  We packed it to the rim with everything from the shed, and lucky for us nothing had been broken in the ordeal. Then came the hard part.  After about 30 mins the stupid ass shed managed to be completely lifted off the ground and sat resting on the fence entirely, causing the fence to start lean and give way.  FINALLY the shed was down with some help, and flipped over on it's top.  It looked like a crushed tuna can.  We put sand bags and bricks in it to hold in place.  After about two hours after the ordeal had started the crazy crazy wind just completely stopped, but not without making it's mark first!  Needless to say, it was a VERY eventful and frustrating morning! But it got taken care of without anyone getting hurt and that was a plus.  Now to wait for the insurance company to decide if they are going to pay up!

To ring in 2012 we got cozy in our favorite pj's, made a delicious pulled pork recipe from pinterest, played games, drank some delicious cocktails, and skyped with some of our best friends.  Saddened by the fact we couldn't be home to celebrate with friends we decided to Skype and act like we were there anyways.  It was wonderful, God bless Skype, it's a life saver!!! It was like we were sitting at the kitchen table with everyone and that was a wonderful feeling.  Not to mention I was able to see Tucker and all of his cuteness!! It was WONDERFUL!!!

Today consisted of taking down all Christmas decorations.  I am always sad to see the tree go.  I love everything about them, especially their smell!! Do I really have to wait 11 more months to put up another one?!?! But on the other hand it is always nice to get the house back to normal.

We hope you all had holidays filled with love and happiness!!!

Bruce, Nichole, and Pudge xoxo

Here is a picture of the shed......

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