Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

So yes, I am the fibber!! I got a few emails saying I am a "liar liar pants on fire" haha.  Last weekend I promised to post pictures of our home to show those who have been asking and are unable see it in person or via Skype, and I never did it! I am OK with admitting when I am wrong..... and I admit that I totally forgot!!! Sorrrrrrrrry!!! I will do it ASAP! I don't dare say I promise though hahaha :) 

So here is quick update:

We are all healthy and happy.  Bruce is studying hard hard hard for his upcoming Sgt's test.  I am so unbelievably proud of him! He is such a hard worker!!! He is also still currently getting workout emails from Border, which is always a good sign.  After talking to someone within the agency, we got word that it has been taking longer than in the past, at least 12-14 months, to get in after everything has been approved.  Some sort of hiring freeze I suppose, but he is close to the one year mark, so our fingers and toes are still crossed.

We are currently getting the new shed in.  It's being built and it looks great! We can't wait until it's done so we can de-clutter our garage! We also are happy to report that we are "miracle makers" this year for The Children's Hospital of Denver.  We are very excited about this. It's only $15 smakaroos a month and we figured we are blessed with so many things in our lives, we can give up eating Subway once a month to give back.  And life is funny and can take a turn at any moment, and with us entertaining the idea of starting a family of our own soon, you never know if you will end up there (God forbid).  Just a thought.  If you are interested in donating email me and I can send you some information on how to become a miracle maker :) :)

I am still on track with Weight Watchers and actually really enjoying it! I lost 3.4 pounds last wk!! :) And running wise, we (Pudge too :) are right on track for our upcoming races.  I actually enjoy getting up early enough to go out for a run before all the hustle and bustle of cars and people are out.  I love that I can see Pikes Peak and the beautiful mountains on my runs at home.  It's just me, Pudge, music, and the pavement and I am absolutely obsessed!!! Bruce on the other hand, HATES going too early, so he usually goes later in the day.  But this past wk I talked him into coming with us in the morning and it was so nice to go for a family run.  I am also sooooo excited for the next upcoming months.....NYC with the girls, Lindsey coming out to CO for a visit, Rosie coming out for a visit, WEDDING Season!!!, and of course my Dads annual visit!!! SOOOOO many things to look forward to I can hardly contain my excitement!!

Well that's about all we have to report.  I will get those pictures up soon! Hope all is well with everyone!! We love and miss you all toooooo much!!!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxoxo

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