Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I am happy to report we (Pudge too of course) are doing well and in great health.  :)

Remember the last post that was dedicated to Bruce and how wonderful he is?! Well his streak continues...... I woke up one morning, shortly after that post, to a pretty blue Tiffany's box on my night stand.  I hesitated, asking in my head "is this for me?!" Duhhhhh. Bruce was so excited for me to open it.  Inside was a beautiful beaded sterling silver bracelet with a heart tag, for no reason at all except to be so kind, as is his way.  The best surprise of it all, he had NGB engraved on the back!

Now for those of you that don't know, I had a really hard time switching my name from Donaghe to Brown.  I just felt like I was abandoning my birth name and in a way my family.  Now don't get me wrong, there was also a very strong part of me that was overwhelmed with excitement to become a Brown, and I know that my previous confession sounds ridiculous, but it was just the way I felt.  So I asked Bruce if it was OK if I waited until my passport expired (2014) to change my name.  Now Bruce is the MOST understanding man I have ever met in my entire life, but I could tell in his face and by a few conversations we had that changing my name was very important to him, his old fashioned side I suppose.  So I sucked it up and did it.   And to be honest, after all was said and done, it wasn't bad at all.  I have slowly but surely become accustom to signing Nichole Brown and seeing it printed on documents.  And I rarely hear any OJ Simpson jokes anymore, so that's always a plus! haha.  So seeing Bruce extremely excited to show me the engraved initials on the back made my whole world!!! The present alone was such a wonderful gift in itself, but that look on his face is the one aspect of the memory I will NEVER forget.  :)

Weight Watchers went WONDERFUL this week! I lost 7 whole pounds this week.  I was also the highest loser in the group and received a "prize" for it. haha I guess my competitive side is coming out, but for a good cause!!

We headed the Springs this past weekend.  We absolutely LOVE the Springs.  It's soooo beautiful and for a larger city it is quite clean!! Not to mention it's only 40 minutes away and all the great shopping available!! :) We did indeed find a table, and we love it.  It's pretty simple, but fits the room perfectly! We also got our iPhone 4s from Best Buy (we get them from their because they offer a monthly protection plan that blows apple's out of the water) and we LOVE them!!! We went straight home and ordered new covers for them (you can get them WAY cheaper online!!).  We also spent more than enough time and money at Bed Bath and Beyond.  I am SO obsessed with that store!!! It has EVERYTHING you could imagine for a home and we love it.  We are super responsible with our money and usually would rather save than buy, but when it comes to buying things for our home, WE ARE SUCKERS!!! It's a good thing we don't have one where we live.  We also hit up the Apple store, Old Navy, Petco, and DSW for some more treats for ourselves........SHOPPING SPREE!!! We never really do this, so it was really fun!

So that has been our week pretty much!!! We hope you all are doing well!! We miss and LOVE you so so much!!! And for those who have been asking and so patient, I promise to post pictures of the house this weekend sometime!!  But for now a quick pic of the new table :)

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

New dark Wood table and chairs! 

**Please excuse the frames on the floor........I will hang soon! hahaha ;)

The beautiful box I woke up to....

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