Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So usually I only post once a wk or so, but I am so overwhelmed with love and inspiration that I wanted to share.....(if sappy love makes you want to vomit or annoys the crap out of you, DON'T READ! you have been warned!)

For those of you that don't know I met my husband over four years ago through mutual friends of ours.  When we first starting dating I repeatedly said "He is just so nice! I have no other word to describe him" I was in complete shock and awww that someone could be so truly kind hearted.  I will admit, I thought it would ware off a bit, but it never did.

Now don't get me wrong, he is not perfect and we as a couple are not perfect, no one is! We have our issues and struggles like anyone else, BUT he IS perfect for me and I him.  I am a handful, as a lot of you probably know first hand. I truly try to be kind and do the right thing, but sometimes I can be just plain hateful HAHA (can't everyone at some point?!). I am not afraid to admit this, acknowledge it, and try to work on it. I am not a mean person by any means, but that hateful bone in my body can pop out here and there.  Bruce handles this with such grace.  I admire him so much for the patience, kindness, and understanding he has for not only his sometimes-hard-to-handle wife, but for his coworkers, friends, family, and even the inmates that he works with.  Now if he isn't a blessing and inspiration to life, than I am not sure what is!!

I finally faced my fears!  A few weeks ago I joined weight watchers.  I have been struggling with my weight for a few years now.  I am a truly healthy and very active person, but wanted to face this issue head on! Weight Watchers FORCES me to be honest and upfront every single week.  I am well on my way and loving every bit of it!! Bruce has been there every step of the way.  He continuously tells me how beautiful I am, day after day.  It is beyond comforting and encouraging to have someone like that behind you.  He is supportive and completely indulged in my success and helps me work towards my goal.

Bruce's love NEVER WAVERS and I wanted to shine a spot light on him in a post.  So thank you to my wonderful, kind hearted, understanding, patient, supportive, and loving husband.  You're the best of the best!! And I am truly BLESSED!!!!

**On a separate note, thank you for all the emails after the last few post.  It is so nice to hear from so many of our loved ones and even people we don't know.  Oh and your advice and tricks of the trade are sooooo appreciated! :)

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