Wednesday, February 29, 2012


So I am feeling a bit blahhhh about our home decor after taking the pics.  But here lies the probably, we are renting this home.  We must use those wall hanging sticky things (my description of course) and they can get quite expensive. So we have, as you can see, only hung a few photos and wall decorations.  We just don't see the point in buying a bunch of those, when we plan to buy and move into our own home within the next year, and waste all that money......

And we can't paint! blahhhhh (again) I hate that! We have all white walls, no color!  This makes for a seriously boring home.  We are also hoarding a lot of our beautiful wedding gifts, that would look amazing throughout the house, but want to wait until we get a new home to put out.  We want to have some new things for our new home, but in the mean time I am DYING to put them out! :(  And as you all know from our table dilemma, I am very hesitant to buy new furniture.  We LOVE a beautiful bedroom set (everything except the headboard bc we plan to finish the one we started) from , but again would like to wait until we buy to make sure it is perfect for our future master bedroom.  OMG all this waiting is soooooo frustrating!!! We want to buy these things NOW, and my patience, as you can tell, is wearing VERY thin!!

Now don't get me wrong, all this complaining makes me sound ungrateful, when I am indeed the opposite. We do have a lovely home to live in right now, with so many beautiful things and we are enjoying the time in the home too, but I think we are just ready ready ready to move on.  We are completely obsessed with HGTV (home and garden) and LOVE LOVE LOVE the show Property Virgins.  We dream of being on that show! ha! We also LOVE Property Brothers, we love to see what can be DIY projects.  One of the things we look forward to when buying a new home is working together to make it our own, WE CAN"T WAIT!! Oh and don't forget Pinterest, and all the wonderful ideas there too!! :))  So hopefully we can make a move sooner than later! All depending on Bruce's Sgts test with the State of CO and Border Patrol! And I am along for the ride! Graduating in May and then from there will start applying for jobs depending on our location.

On another note, Big Red strikes again!!! (Bruce's truck) Yesterday we had to take the old girl into the shop, and it cost us a PRETTY FREAKING PENNY!!  This was a big surprise, but it was taken care of and she is back on the road.  Needless to say, shopping for our new vehicle is quickly moving up in the ranks on the list of To-Do's! :) But on a happier note, I lost 3.2 pounds with WW this week!! Weighing in is so gratifying! Yes, I am stilllllll LOVING it!!! :)) Side note, my skinny husband dropped me off at WW this wk as we had to drop his truck off to get fixed first, and he decided to go and get some fast food to go.  He then ate it in the parking lot of Weight Watchers, haha.  I just had to laugh, too funny.

Running wise, we are doing VERY well!! It was so cold one day, rainy and so windy it felt like I was running in place, but Pudge and I bared the weather because I am totally addicted.  We are just a wk away from moving on to the next section of couch to 10k!! Stilllll loving it.

I also made some homemade dog treats for Pudge.  It was sooooo easy, cheap, and he LOVES them!!! Pinterest is so amazing, if I haven't told you before!! ;) Anyways, we hope you all have a wonderful wk and wkend.

Peanut butter, oatmeal, applesauce, flour, and baking soda! :) 

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xox

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