Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sad Broncos fan

I am one sad Broncos fan today.  It is official, Peyton Manning is now the new starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos and Tim Tebow is in the process of being traded.  As much as I like Peyton, I mean come on he is truly an amazing quarterback, I am sad that Tim Tebow didn't get at least one more year to show his stuff as a Bronco.  So many people dislike him for all of the attention he gets, but I adore him.

Anyways...we are doing very well and had a great week! But Bruce did end up getting sick last night.  He has a head cold and he never gets sick, so it hit hard and fast. It makes me so mad, it's like COME ON, we are sick of being sick already!!!!!  But he is a super healthy man in general and I'm sure he will be back to 100% by poor hubby.  And the weather has been so weird.  We had such beautiful weather all last week, in the high 70's everyday and then came the clouds.  It was like we had traded states with family and friends back home.  They had the amazing 70 degree weather and we were stuck with windy cloudy overcast days and for CO that is very rare.  But starting tomorrow it is suppose to warm up and be in the 80's by this weekend.  So because of the weather a lot of this past weekend was dedicated to a bit of spring cleaning, organizing, and online shopping......which wasn't too bad :)

And because it was a bit too windy and chilly out to do anything outdoorsy we decided yesterday would be a perfect day to head to Pueblo to see Gram.  We had a delicious dinner (she is an AMAZING cook) and some quality time to visit, which is always so wonderful.  Then we came home and took a nap.....yes we, the Browns, took a nap! hahah We NEVER take naps because we would usually much rather be out doing something, but I guess it was much needed.  I set an alarm for an hour later so we didn't sleep too long and we were able to get up and have some quality family time before bed.

Weight Watchers went fantastic again this wk! I lost 3.2 pounds!! This was actually a bit of a surprise to me, not because I didn't think I lost but because I didn't think I lost that much.  I was so happy, all the hard work is paying off!!! I can't wait to keep on this path and reach my goal!! It is so refreshing and encouraging to see the number dropping each week.

Not too much else to report....just a happy, calm, and laid back week in the Brown household.  We hope you all have a fantastic week and weekend.  We love and misssss you all so much!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

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