Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Taco Soup

So the dumb flu has plagued our household......again.  The kids were all sick, so it was pretty inevitable.  It didn't hit too hard until Monday though, so there were a few days of weekend bliss.  We are currently trying to sweat it out!!!  I'm hoping to feel better by Friday for my long run of the wk, but either way I'm sure Pudge will be pushing me out the door! :))

Nothing too exciting to report.  Just working and enjoying the weather!! It was 73 both Monday and Tuesday, and despite being sick, we did get outside to enjoy the weather.  The park was right out of a story book.  Kids flying kites with their Dads, Moms taking pictures, families playing soccer, it was beautiful!! I loved seeing it and of course this had my mind wandering into the future picturing Bruce teaching our children how to fly a love love!! Bruce was also able to give both vehicles a bath, and also Pudge!  I of course kept him company..... hehehe :) Bruce is doing well, he is still studying his hinny off for his upcoming Sgt. test.

Weight Watchers went well this week.  I lost 1.2 pounds, and although I'd like to say I am one of those people that is happy losing any amount of weight, sadly I am not.  I was a little disappointed about only losing 1.2 pounds, but Bruce quickly set me strait by showing me a picture of what one pound looks like.  I was also a little bad this week, we went on a surprise date night.  Bruce surprised me by taking Saturday off and taking me to Denver out to dinner and to the Avs game! It was so much fun.  But I haven't been out to eat since my WW journey started and that was a bit of a splurge for me.  Not to mention I had already had my splurge day for the week (I always have a "splurge meal" once a week and it is on Tuesdays after weighing in) and we made homemade pizza!  So I had twice the splurging than I usually do, and still lost.  Thinking positive here people!! Bruce is such a wonderful support system, he is def my biggest cheerleader! Thank goodness for his encouragement and for setting me straight!! So in the end, thanks to my wonderful hubby, I am happy with my weight loss this wk.  BUT can't wait for next weeks weigh-in!!

And let me continue the WW talk by saying that we made the MOST DELICIOUS taco soup EVER yesterday!!! Since I splurged twice last week, I decided to not splurge this Tuesday, I gotta stay disciplined.  So we looked up a few taco soup recipes because Bruce has been dying to try it and surprisingly I found one on WW that sounded delicious.  And boy oh boy was it ever!!! I can't even put into words how good it was.  It was better than any other taco soup recipe I have ever made!!! We both were swooning over it! hahaha :) 1 cup is only 3 points! And it's very filling. I also added 1/4 cup of shredded cheese and 1 tbs of fat free sour cream to mine, which made it a total of 6 points and DELICIOUS!!  I honestly felt like I was splurging, but was far from it!!

Here is the recipe:
2 cans Healthy Harvest Tomato Basil soup (it calls for progressive tomato parmesan, but healthy harvest was "healthier" so I went with that ;) or you can use any tomato soup as long as it is only 2 points per serving.
2 boneless skinless cooked Chicken breast (shredded)
1 3/4 cups canned black beans
1 3/4 cups canned yellow corn (NOT cream corn!!)
8 tbs diced green chilies (you can buy canned chilies, but if you have fresh ones, def use those! We always have fresh ones and it is so much better! Also, we just add to taste, we like it a little more spicy!)
1/4 cup Chunky Salsa
1/4 cup Taco Sauce (we used the Taco Bell medium spice home originals, can buy really cheap at WM)
1/2 tsp Chili powder
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp Taco Seasoning (we used 2 tsp just for more flavor)
1/2 onion (it doesn't call for onion but we like it so we threw it in and it was so good!)
** We threw all of that in the crock pot to simmer for an hour and a half and it was good to go!! 1 cup = 3 points.  And remember you can add 1/4 cup reduced fat cheese and 1 tbsp of fat free sour cream for an addition 3 points! Seriously, soooo good!!! I hope you all get the chance to try it!!

Well we hope you all are having a fantastic week!! We love and miss you all so so so much!!!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

Pudge running back with his ball!! :)

Washing the car! :) 

 And washing Pudge :) 

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