Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad

First and most importantly I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the BEST DAD in the entire world.  My Dad is so supportive and one of my best friends in the entire world and I am so blessed that he was chosen to be my Dad.  He has and without a doubt will always be in my corner and my biggest supporter.  He loves Bruce to pieces and is truly AMAZING!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DAD! I wish so badly I could be there to celebrate with you, but I hope you have an AMAZING day!!! You truly deserve it!

A memory I will never forget :) xoxo

This week I will be reunited with the BEST friends a girl could ask for and I couldn't be more excited! We are headed to CT to stay with the Ginop family and celebrate Naomi's Bach party!! We will also be heading to NYC Saturday for a day of celebration!  We are going all out, the whole shebang.....limo, beautiful hotel right downtown, and VIP at the club.  I can't wait to have an unforgettable girls weekend.  Not to mention I will finally get to meet Tucker in person! YAY! I will be sure to post pictures when I return! 

Bruce is still sick, stupid annoying cough! He called into work yesterday, which he never ever does, to rest and relax.  I loved it tho, because not only was he getting some much needed extra rest but I also got to spend some time with him before leaving for a wk.   I was very "wifey" and made some homemade chicken noodle soup for my sickly husband :) He says after yesterdays rest he feels a ton better!  

This week I lost 4 POUNDS at WW!!! YAYAYAYA! I was super excited and even hit my first goal weight!! I contribute a lot of it to........the more I lose the longer and faster I run and the more weight I drop and it all comes full circle! :)  Hopefully I don't gain too much on my vacation splurge.  

Today it was beautiful, 75 with a slight cool breeze.  Perfect day to do some yard work! So Bruce (feeling much better) and I raked up all the old grass, pulled weeds, sprayed for weeds and bugs, and swept everything! :) Our yard looks so good! We are going to plant all of our flowers and veggies when I return from CT, I can't wait....it's one of my favorite parts of summer!! 

Well we hope you all have a WONDERFUL week!! I won't be blogging for at least a week, but promise to when I get back! Love and Miss you all so so so much!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

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