Wednesday, April 25, 2012

BFF's since 2nd grade

So as you all know Lindsey, my bff since the 2nd grade, came for a visit this past week. It was sooooo wonderful to have someone here on a daily basis to visit with.  I miss her more then ever now that she has returned home........But it was wonderful to have a piece of home here for a visit.

We did a lot of shopping and eating.....two of our favorite things to do! And Bruce took Saturday off so we could all go explore the Royal Gorge and cook out.   It was so beautiful! We loved it!  We also did some walking and exploring of other local attractions.  And the weather could not have been better, so sunbathing on the patio was high on our list of things to do also.  I dare say our house is quiet now.....but soon enough (next month) my wonderful mother-in-law Rosie will be out for a visit, we can't wait!

Luckily due to Lindsey flying out yesterday, I was unable to weigh in.....and after the homemade cheesecake and lasagna splurges and eating out, I am GLAD! HA!  But back on track it is and I will be weighing in next Tuesday.  Bruce took his test and felt great about it, so that is a wonderful sign! YAY BRUCE! And Pudge is loving the beautiful weather and being able to SWIM! :) I have a paid vacay next week, so we are heading to the mountains to camp, first time this season!! We can't wait!!!

We hope you all had as good of a week as we had!  Take care, love and miss you TONS!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

Relaxing by the fire 

 Royal Gorge

 Lindsey on top of the world :) 

 Walking the Bridge

 View from the Tran Am

 Skyline Drive

The only pic of the three of us at the bottom of the Royal Gorge.  
Please excuse my crazy hair :)

 Bruce's man fire :) 

 The beautiful flowers Bruce bought and had waiting for Lindsey and
 I when we came home Friday.  They were originally in two 
vases, one for each, but we decided to blend them :) God he is AMAZING! 

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