Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ready for SUMMER!

We are soooo ready for summer!! The weather is mostly in the 70's and this has us so excited and eager to, attend weddings, camp, hike, have bonfires, kayak, fish....the list goes on and on.  So with the nice weather came a wave of yard work duty.  We planted, weeded, fertilized, and cut all day Tuesday.  Our yard is beautiful and ready for summer! :) I also gave in and bought a ton of the wall sticky hanging things.  It makes me mad to think about the wasteful money part of it, but I am so much more in love with our home now that our photos are up.  In just the last few weeks we de-cluttered the house, organized the office and spare bedroom, and revitalized our yard.  And I figured since we did all of that, why not just go all the way?!  Our house is much more homie now and I love it, even after spending the damn money. :)

WW went pretty well this week.  I lost 1.6 pounds, not as much as I would have like to see, but it was something.  I have lost a total of 28.2 thus far, well on my way.  We made stuffed shells with ricotta, mozzarella, and Parmesan cheese and homemade marinara sauce for my splurge meal this week, YUM! And to kick off our summer obsession we made angel food cake topped with strawberries and whip cream (all lite of course and you can't even taste the difference ;) So delicious! We ended our day off together by relaxing, studying, and enjoying the fresh air by having the slider open until we went to bed.

Bruce has his SGT's test tomorrow morning and he is camping out at home studying is butt off.  GOOD LUCK BRUCE!!! You will do amazing!

Friday I get to pick Lindsey up! I am so so so excited!! I will get her in the morning and we plan to hit up the mall right outside of Denver on our way home....COACH HERE WE COME! :) Then we will do a little more shopping in the Springs and have some dinner.  Saturday we plan on going to see the Royal Gorge and grill out in the beautiful weather.  I am beyond excited for this week and weekend :)

Pinterest made an appearance again.  I made an awesome planter for the front yard and some adorable gifts from idea's I got from Pinterest.  LOVE IT! :)

We hope you all had amazing weekends and an even better week! Miss and Love you all tons!
Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxox

Beach towel, magazine, travel cup, and tanning lotion
all tied together with ribbon. Loved this idea

Stacked pots.  I used a paint pen to write on the pots.  Except I didn't measure the wording very well on the top one, so if you're wondering it says "The Browns"....Oops.  But still love it.

Pudge and the new pots :) 

Front yard :) 

Random pic.  The lovely trail of cloths my hubby left me after our run.
Good thing I love him so much haha :) 

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