Thursday, April 5, 2012

What's Sleep?!?!

I have returned from my amazing trip alive and completely and utterly EXHAUSTED!!! I haven't been this worn out since............well probably not since I use to pull an all night college binder with class the next day :)

I flew out of Denver at 6 AM Thursday morning (which meant leaving our house at 3AM), arrived in CT at 2 PM, ran on adrenaline and pure excitement to stay up until about 2 am the next morning.   Friday I was a bit hungover, not gonna lie! haha But we muscled up enough effort to have some more drinks at the Hibachi restaurant.....SAKI!!!! Then of course that lead to a few beers at home in our sweats! :)  I stayed up to talk to Bruce at 12 CT time and went to bed.  Saturday we were up and at 'em for 6 am to be ready for our limo at 8am.  Needless to say we didn't sleep until about 5 AM the next morning.  Then up again at 9 AM to go and explain more of NYC.  We were all in bed by 10 on Sunday and in bed by 1 AM sleeps were few and far between.

BUT I will say this, it was SOOOOOO worth it!!! We had an absolute blast!!! We laughed and laughed and laughed the entire time! I'm talking full on belly laughs, the kind that make your sides and cheeks hurt the following day! It was everything I knew it would be and more.  I miss those girls and am sad that we are so far away, but when we do get together, boy do we make it count! I am soooo truly blessed to have each and every one of them in my life.  They bring me pure joy and happiness and I believe that is a rare thing to find in this crazy world!

I believe every person should experience NYC at least once in their lives.  It's truly amazing.  Nothing like it in the world.  I was awestruck.  We explored China town, Little Italy, the Subway system (lost haha), Ground Zero, Coyote Ugly and much more Saturday after arriving before heading back to our hotel to get ready for our big night out to celebrate Naomi!! We met some amazing ppl that were so kind to hook us up with more limos to go to and from our hotel.....yes we took limos everywhere! So awesome! The club had a rooftop that had a breathtaking view.  We had our own space (VIP), bottle service, and even security! And to top it off we had an amazing server, she was just so kind and on top of things and our "body guard" as we like to call him, was so so so kind and did his job well also! No one got in our space, we didn't have to worry about all the liquor or our things, which was a relief!  We were also right by the DJ and basically had our own dance floor, amazing is the only word to describe it!

Sunday we got up early enough to hail taxi's (yes I hailed a taxi down town NYC hehehe :) and went down to Time Square. Then we headed out to see St. Patrick's, which was by far the most beautiful place I have ever had the privilege to see.  And Rockefeller Center and everything in between.  Then we took our limo back to CT.  We were in the city for about 30 hours and did and saw so much! I will never forget any of it!!!

I am, however very scared to weigh in this coming Tuesday.   I obviously missed it yesterday because of travel, THANK GOODNESS!!! We ate a lot of really great food, but boy oh boy!  So I am going to try and run my butt off to get back in the swing of things! I am sure the first couple of runs will be torture but hopefully I just fall right back into the swing of it after that initial torture.

Wednesday, right before leaving, Pudge hurt himself pretty badly.  He tore his entire dew claw basically off, ripping it down to the tenant and nerve.  Poor little guy, it was so sore.  So I took him to see Erin and he was on pain killers, antibiotic, and had a cast for 5 days.  He now has the cast off and it is slowly healing up.  He feels a lot better tho, he hated that cast.  He did get spoiled.  Daddy carried him everywhere and gave him lots of loving and treats while mommy was away.  Poor little man.   Bruce is so amazing, he also cleaned all the carpets and house from top to bottom while I was away and I came home to a spotless house! If I haven't said it enough before, he truly is amazing!  He got another email from Border, with another workout routine.  Ugh I wish he would just get the email we are waiting for, but I can't complain too much because he is still in the running!

Well we hope all is well!! We love and miss you all soooo much! I'll leave you with a few pics from the trip........
SAKI :) 

 Naomi opening her gifts

 The BEST gyro I have ever had 

 First cab ride in NYC

Dinner in Little Italy 

 Naomi getting our bottle service at the club

The view from the rooftop of the club :)

 We're on the big screen 

 inside St. Patrick's 

 St. Patrick's 

 The girls before going out Friday in CT 


 goofy :) 

 So funny 

 Pretty Ladies

 Gorgeous family 

 Love him!! :) 

 LIMO!! :) 


 Walking thru the gates of NYC subway system 

 The girls

 Freedom Tower 

 China Town



Our bodyguard pretending to kick Naomi out haha :) 

 Time Square 

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