Sunday, December 9, 2012

Good Eats!

Hi Everyone!!

The Brown house has been busy Christmas shopping and getting ready to celebrate this beautiful time of year.  We hope you all are enjoying this festive time as much as we are.

We did a lot of delicious cooking these past weeks and everything has turned out so delicious.  I have picked out some new recipes from Pinterest to try each week.  I have "pinned" a lot and was starting to see double.  I figured it was best to try them out before continuing to pin more and more.

Last week I made a homemade marinara sauce to go with the homemade chicken parmesan.  Bruce absolutely loved it, which sorta surprised me because he isn't usually a chicken man.  And for dessert I made a Butter cake with whipped butter frosting. YUM! I had to send it with Bruce to work to get it out of the house ;).

This week I made eggs benedict.  The hollandaise sauce turned out soooo good.  I decided to follow the recipe exactly and hand whip the sauce, well that was the hardest part.  My arm was killing me by the time I was done, I think next time the kitchenaid will make an appearance.  I was a bit nervous because I had never poached an egg before, but it was relatively easy.  I found out the secret from a fellow "Pinner" was to add 3-4 tbsp of white vinegar to the water, which helps keep the egg together.  And for dessert I made mini cheesecake bites and they are delicious and SO easy.

You can go to Pinterest to join the site and find all of these delicious recipes :)

On Tuesday, when Bruce is off we are going to make all of our Christmas cookies.  We make them every year for a few friends, our mailman, and neighbors.  But this year we decided to send most of cookies to a few Marines that are overseas and are friends of friends.  We also found an amazing site that we feel everyone should take a look at.  It's called Any Soldier and it is a site that you can randomly chose a soldier that is currently deployed and send a gift.  There are a few rules, but it is relatively easy.  You can get the flat rate boxes at the post office and fill with all sorts of things.  We have done this for the past few years and it truly is an amazing site.  Please take a moment to check it out and send some holiday cheer to the people that work very hard to give us all our freedom.  :)

Well we hope all is well!! We will leave you with a few pics of our week.
Love and Miss you all TONS!! xoxo
Nic and Bruce

It finally came in! :) 

The gorgeous view we came out to after doing some shopping 

Mini Cheesecake bites 

Eggs Benedict

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Ti's the season!!

Happy Holidays everyone!! We hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!! :)

We had a fabulous time in MI with family and friends.  It was a wonderful two weeks down state with them.  Bruce's surprise 28th birthday party turned out AMAZING!!! So many wonderful people showed up and he had a great time! He said he was very surprised!!! :)  A BIG shout out to our truly AMAZING friends and parents.  I planned everything BUT it was the girls and our parents that got all the balls rolling and made sure it all turned out perfectly.  I couldn't be more grateful to have each and every one of them in our lives.

Bruce got to do some hunting, relaxing, and visiting with friends.   He shot an 8 point buck, which was super exciting! So because we had a lot of venison that we couldn't take back with us, we took a day trip up to the Soo a couple of days before leaving so we could give some to my Dad and to go to Tman's birthday party.  It was so good  to see everyone once more before we took off back to CO.

One highlight of my trip was that some of my best friends were able to come stay for a few days in GR.  I am so lucky to have people willing to come all the way down just to see us.  We were able to shop, laugh, and eat and we did a lot of all three.  :)

The biggest highlight for Bruce and I, besides seeing friends and family of course, was seeing our baby, Pudge.  He didn't leave our sides and we loved every minute of it.

And not only were we able to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family, first holiday in 5 years, but we were able to celebrate Bruce AND Rosie's (my mother-in-law) birthday!!  Thanksgiving was DELICIOUS and so fun! We ate, ate, ate, played games, and ate some more.  Bruce, of course, had his surprise birthday.  He also got the gift of his dreams and I am so excited for him! :)  He got a large gift card to finally go and buy his iMac.  The new one just came out the 30th, so he had to wait a bit but it gets delivered on Monday and he's so excited! And it was so wonderful to be around for Rosie's birthday.  We got her a Coach bag and she loved it.  I was so excited to give it to her!

Gosh, reading over this post I realize that this post is all over the place.  ;) Sorry!  Hope all is well with you all!!

Love and Miss you all ALREADY!!!
Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

B and his buck

Standing next to his bday sign outside the restaurant 

Family photo 

Some of my girlies 

Peggy ridin' it! :)

Pullin the Corvette out for a bit


Danny and I have awesome boots

shooting a gun for the first time.  I was nervous about how 
loud it would be, so B helped me! 

Brothers shooting


Family photo in MI 

And the beautiful view we came home to :) 

Sunday, November 11, 2012


First and for most, HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY!! Thank you doesn't seem to be enough, but THANK YOU for all you and your families sacrifice.  A special thanks to some of my favorites.....Dad, Scott, Uncle Kent, Brent, Damon, Kim, and Wes.

My Heroes..... Dad, Scott, and Uncle Kent (RIP) 

OK so remember when I was blogging about CO still having 70 degree weather?! Well that is long gone! In just two days we went from T-shirts and flip flops to coats and Uggs.  It's only in the 30's and snowing.  But on the bright side of it, I was able to finally wear my new riding boots, and I LOVE them.  :)  It is suppose to start warming up this week, but we are leaving! Hitting the jet way yet again :)

This past week has been filled with organizing our life and getting everything ready for us to be gone for two weeks.  I also had some time to try some new recipes I have been dying to try! They turned out DELICIOUS!

The first was weight watchers baked lemon pepper chicken.
  •  Four skinless boneless chicken breast
  • 1/4 tsp pepper (salt can be added also, but def doesn't need it!)
  • 1 tsp Olive Oil
  • 2 tsp Lemon Juice
  • 2 tsp Rosemary
  • 2 tsp Parsley 
  • 1/4 cups of Fat Free canned Chicken broth
  • 1/2 medium lemon (cut up)
  • and Lemon Pepper Seasoning to taste
  • Bake at 400 F for 30-35 mins 
It turned out so juicy and delicious! And so simple!!!

The second was Baked Cinnamon Apple Chips
  • 2 large red or green apples
  • Cinnamon (to taste)
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg 
  • Sugar to taste (I left this out and they were deliciously sweet!)
  • Slice thinly and sprinkle with the cinnamon and nutmeg 
  • Bake at 245 for 2 hours (or until they are crispy enough for your liking) 
These are some of my new favs! They are sweet but healthy and make a WONDERFUL snack!! 

Bruce is well and VERY excited for his two week vacation, and boy does he deserve it! He hasn't been on vacation since our honeymoon.......He is as amazing as ever.  I received yet again another gift in the mail.  A hand held Kitchenaid mixer.  He knows sometimes I get annoyed having to pull out the big Kitchenaid stand mixer because it can be a pain to clean, so he got me the hand mixer I have been drooling over.  What a man!  He also found a couple of guys to car pool with to work, which is great! It will cut our gas bill, that is OUTRAGEOUS, in half.  YAY! :)

Weight Watchers is great.  Lost another 4 pounds.  Down 5 in total for two weeks, not too bad! Now on vacation I have to try and remember this.......ahhhhh ;)

Well I think that is about all I have for now!! We hope you all are well.  We love and miss you tons!

Nichole and Bruce
The beautiful flowers I came home to :) Lucky

Cinnamon Apple Chips & Hot tea..... YUM! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Shopping Spree

Hi everyone!

Everything is pretty much the same in the Brown household.  We are LOVING our new location, the apartment is still cozy and sweet but we wouldn't go as far as to say we LOVE it.  But we certainly LOVE the new location.

Weight Watchers is slowly but surely getting back on track, down 1.2 pounds this week.  Bruce is still getting use to the new job, but adjusting well.  Pudge is still doing well at Grandpa Browns, but we are missing him like CRAZY.

We decided to treat ourselves to a bit of a shopping spree.  Some people would think it was no biggie or not much, but for us it was out of the norm and fun! We finally went to a store called Home Goods and loved it.  It is like a Ross, with everything from furniture to decorations for your home and very reasonably priced.  I LOVED it, and Bruce who isn't usually big on shopping even loved it. We bought some adorable things for our home.  Some are out in the apartment, but some stayed packed and took up residence in storage.

On that note we also decided to hit up the new IKEA store.  Neither of us had experienced IKEA before, it was amazing to say the least.  It took us two hours to get through the entire store, but it was so fun.  Everyone should shop at IKEA at least once in a life time. :)

I also got a surprise in the mail, a beautiful Coach travel tote as a wonderful gift from my hubby for our upcoming travels in November.  Coach had its annual sale last week, so I went and bought two new bags, one for myself and one as a gift (seriously ladies, look for their sales they are AMAZING! It's the only time I can bring myself to buy coach and feel it's justified haha).  My wonderful husband picked up on this and went shopping.......he knew I would normally never spend the money on a travel tote, but always loved them.  So he got it for me, I love it! Of course I decided he needed a thank you gift so I ordered some of his favorite sweat pants, that we can never find in the stores because he needs tall sizes.

I also fell into the riding boot trend and iPad mini tech trend.  I am excited to wear the boots out when the weather cools a bit, we are still in the 70's here, but I'm not complaining. ;) And as for the iPad mini, well I was talked into it.  I was happy with just the macbook, and was leaning towards buying a kindle fire for travel and convenience, but Bruce talked me over to the other side.  He said we have the macbook, iPad, phones, and are planning on buying an apple printer (any advice on which one is the best would be appreciated) so I might as well "stay in the family."  So as afraid of the iPad things I am (don't judge I NEVER use B's ;) and like to stick with my macbook, my husband had a point and it's on the way, well after the two week order wait.  Wish me luck......

We wanted to say a big THANK YOU to my mother-in-law and Dad for the awesome championship Tigers T-shirts and sweat shirts.   We were so excited to sport these out in CO and support our team.  :)

We hope all is well.  We miss you all like CRAZY!!!

Nichole & Bruce xoxo

The awesome pond Bruce and I like to walk around by our home.  2 miles of gorgeous scenery

One of my favorite buys from Home Goods.  Adorable tea box

One of my favorite buys from IKEA.  Too cute! And only $6.99! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

New home

Hi everyone!! Long time no blog.......

We are doing well and things are finally settling down!  We officially moved into our new place in Denver almost two weeks ago.  We are finally settling in and getting use to being back in the city full time.

Like I have said a million times before, moving is HELL on Earth!!! And ours was sure to prove me right.  The apartment complex we finally decided on was nice and seemed to fit us perfectly, so we signed papers and paid fees and were ready to move in.  Then THREE days before our move date, we get a call.  Apparently the apartment complex went through an entire "management sweep" as they called it, and misplaced our signed forms.  So they "needed" us to come back up to Denver to sing more.  Funny how they lost our paperwork, but seemed to have our check safe and secure.....hmmmmmm.  BUT the kicker was that their rental approval person wasn't going to be in the office until Monday afternoon, which meant we wouldn't have a FOR SURE signed lease until Monday evening.  Bruce and I were absolutely not ok with this and were sorta freaking out.  So Bruce called in sick (shhhhh don't tell ;) and we drove up to Denver Saturday, got our money back from the terrible first apartment complex and found another.

Now as the saying goes, "everything happens for a reason," this was very fitting for us.  We ended up finding a much much nicer, in a better area, and gated apartment complex that ended up having WAY better deals.  So we signed and officially had a place as of Saturday at 3pm.  All in all finding an apartment was stressful to say the least, but did end up working out for the best.

The actual move itself was as hard as expected.  We started at 8am and did not finish hauling the last of our stuff out of the truck until 11pm.  VERY VERY long day.  But we are now all settled.  Our apartment is not half as bad as I was expecting it to be, and is actually quite cozy and cute.  Our garage on the other hand is CRAMMED full.  We basically threw everything that was not immediately coming into the house into the garage and closed the door.  We both have some time off this week, so we will be trying to organize and clean it.

Bruce is settling in nicely at work.  He has been training and learning the ropes.  Pudge is all settled at Grandpa Browns and we missssss him so much it hurts.  But truth be told, it was by far the right decision.  With our schedules and the small apartment, he will be much more comfortable with the room at Grandpas.  But it just isn't home without him and we are counting down the days until we get him back........

I am officially back on Weight Watchers and going back to meetings.  I conked out for a while and gained some weight back and am looking forward to getting back on the wagon.  I will try and report weekly, like I was doing prior to my hiatus.

All in all life is slowly getting back to normal, so hopefully I will be able to return to blogging more frequently.

Hope all is well.

Bruce and Nichole xoxo

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Packing Machines

So life is pretty uneventful in the Brown household lately.  We have been spending most of our free time packing up the house, garage, and shed for the big move.  We will (hopefully) be officially moving everything the weekend of October 13th and then using the last few weeks of October to clean the house in Florence spotless to ensure we get our deposit back ;).  Bruce will officially be starting his new job October 15th! So it is all a tight squeeze, but as usual we are managing.

We have looked at a few places, but still have yet to sign a lease in Denver.  We are leaning towards a one bedroom apartment for 9 months.  It's going to be a tight squeeze for sure, but it comes with a garage so we will have a storage place for everything that we plan to keep packed up, which is going to be as much as possible!  Why unpack just to pack again in 9 or less months?! That's my new motto, it's going to help me get through living in an undecorated sardine can.  Gotta stay positive people!! :)

We will then take the 9 months to find a house to purchase.....we have looked and found so many options and are so excited.  BUT first things first......sing a lease and get through the move.

Did I ever tell you that I am a completely convinced that Hell is indeed an endless routine of packing, moving, and unpacking?!  I can officially say that moving is the thing I HATE doing the MOST in the entire world!!  Dramatic much?! YES!! ;) Thank goodness this will (hopefully) be our last move into a leased home and we will have only one more move, into a home we will own.  Again, staying positive!

We hope all is well with everyone! We miss you all terribly!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

One Year!!

Yesterday was our One Year Anniversary!!! We just can't believe it has been one whole year already!! I guess it's true what they say......time flys when you're having fun!!

We had a fantastic day filled with family and friends in Denver.  We were able to do some shopping, visit Uncle Kent at his final resting spot, and had a lovely dinner.  We came home and had an evening of quality time together doing some of our favorite things.....bringing the spare bedroom mattress out and watching movies while drinking wine. We also did the ceremonial cut of our top tier of our cake.  And I must say I was nervous to eat it thinking it would be all gross from sitting in the freezer for an entire year, but it was actually pretty good!! haha :)

Our gift to each other as a couple got delivered a couple days ago and we love the new TV and treadmill.  :)  We agreed to not get each other any other gifts, BUT of course neither of us followed that rule.  One of my favorite gifts that I got from Bruce was a beautifully written letter on beautiful paper that also happen to smell of Bruce, one of my favorite smell in the entire world! :) It was a gift of paper for our first anniversary.  I absolutely LOVE it and will cherish if FOREVER!  It beats out all the diamonds, flowers, and treadmills in the world of other gifts! It's the small things that Bruce does that AMAZES me! I am one lucky lady to be able to call myself Mrs. Paul Brown!!

We also have AMAZING friends and family, but you all know that hehehe ;)  THANK YOU SO SO SO much for the wonderful gifts and beautiful words.  We are truly blessed to have you in our lives!

Anyways, this week will be full of packing and getting organized for our big move! I have this week off so I plan to accomplish as much as humanly possible in the short time! Wish me luck!! Other than that, nothing to new to report.  Just spending lots of time with family that is here visiting, which has been so amazing! We don't want them to leave.......

We hope all is well!! And we miss and love you all tons!
Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxoxo

Cutting the top tier of our cake! 

One year ago I became Mrs. Brown, the luckiest lady in the WORLD! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

96 The Traveling :)

I'M BACK!!!!!

I am officially done traveling until November!!! As much as I absolutely adore being home with friends and family, the amount of traveling back to the Soo I have done this summer has been a bit extreme for I am one happy camper to be home and not be living out of a suitcase.

EXCEPT........for how long we will be calling this home "home" is up in the air!!!  Bruce officially got hired into a Sgts. position with the State!!!!!! CONGRATS BRUCE!!!!!!! I'm so glad that other people see what I see, just how amazing he is! :)  Anyways, the job is back near Denver so we will be officially moving back to Denver as soon as they give us the go ahead.  So the craziness of packing up our life will start again! Except this time is going to be much much much worse, as I have seem to accumulate an entire three bedroom, two bath, two car garage, and storage shed worth of stuff......YIKES!! I will admit that I am beyond anxious and nervous, but extremely excited and so so so proud of him!

This move, although the timing is a little off, is a perfect fit for our future.  We will most likely sign a six month lease through our old landlords and begin the process of finally buying a home.  We are SO SO excited about this!! We are so happy that the "perfect" house didn't come a long in Florence and are now able to finally settle down with a secure plan and future ahead of us.  And we are giving ourselves ample time, which allows us to really look for that perfect fit for our first home.  :))) So keep your toes and fingers crossed extra tight for us!!

This past trip was quick, I got in late Friday night and left Tuesday afternoon.  Quick, yes.....but TONS OF FUN!!! In Detroit I saw two amazing friends at the airport, which definitely made my layover fly by.  I loved it!!  On Saturday I had the wedding to go to.  And although it was extremely cold and wet, it was beautiful and we all had a great time.  I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen in years and it was so awesome to catch up.  My friends and I had Sunday Funday and it was a blast!!! I experienced my first fishing extravaganza in the weeee hours of Monday morning, SUCH FUN! And Monday we relaxed and had a pizza movie night!! PERFECTION!!!

This week my Dad, Aunt Gayle, and cousins are all in CO to visit.  I am soooo excited to spend some much needed family time with the Donaghe side.  YAY!!!

Well since I am home and back to routine I plan on getting back to my weekly blogging.  I am promising NOTHING until we hear when our official move date is though, but I do promise to make a better effort!! And for those of you I didn't have time to catch up with, I am so sorry and hope we get to soon! Or we can always have a Skype date!!! ;)

We hope all is well!!
Love and miss you tons,
Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

Monday, August 13, 2012

Traveling Queen

We are BACK! :)

It has definitely been a VERY busy month!!  I had an absolute BLAST at home for Naomi & Mike's wedding.  It was beautiful and so much fun with a ton of my closets friends!! Naomi couldn't have been more gorgeous, and the entire weekend turned out to be AMAZING!

This past trip was an 11 day trip, but it felt like it flew by! I was so busy seeing as many people as I could and of course busy getting ready for their big day!! I was also able to spend a little more time at the beach, which was GREAT! And I was also able to see a few of you "downstaters."  It was just an incredible time.  It would have definitely been better to have Bruce with me, but it was still a blast.

Bruce is doing so well.  He has a interview this Thursday for a Sgts. position, so please send some good vibes his way! :)  He is just so amazing, already up for a Sgts. position, I am just so proud of him. Pudge is wonderful too, still enjoying the weather ;)

I am doing well.  I have missed a month of WW and have had vacation food, so I am looking forward to getting back on track and to start losing again.  I actually miss the meetings, if you can believe it!  I am flying out again friday to travel home for my cousins wedding on the 18th! I am definitely looking forward to being with family and friends again!

 In other Brown Family news, we splurged a little and bought ourselves an early one year wedding anniversary gift.  We have been wanting a treadmill for a while to be able to run inside on cold, rainy, and way too hott to run outside days.  We finally decided that the celebration of one amazing year of marriage was a good enough excuse to splurge on ourselves a little.  So we ordered a great treadmill AND a smaller flat screen TV to set up with the treadmill to watch while we run.  We are officially spoiled with the TV, but to be honest we rarely splurge and it'll be a nice encouragement device. ;) So we will move the desk and B's computer to the spare bedroom and turn the office to a workout room.  We are very excited.  I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as we get it all set up.  It's all suppose to be delivered by August 20th.

Well we hope you all are doing well!! We miss you all terribly.

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

Wedding Party!! :) 

 FaceTime date with my boys! 

 Delicious Bruschetta made with our home grown tomatoes

Beautiful sunset :) 

 Welcome home flowers from the hubby! xo

 My first homemade chicken pot pie! Turned out so delicious! 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Busy Beeee

So I know I have said it time and time again...sorta using it as my ultimate excuse for not having time to blog this summer, but I have been one busy busy bee.  I got home Friday after spending five days in MI and three days working when I flew back into Denver.  Now I am already starting to pack as I fly back to MI on Friday for eleven days!!! CRAZY!!

Lisa and Rob had an amazing wedding and reception.  We had so much fun.  The trip itself was all sort of a blur.  I got in and from the minute my plane touched the ground I was whisked away and was busy until Monday morning.  It was so awesome to be with so many of my closest friends, I loved every second of it.  I can't wait to go back and do it all over again.  Only down fall is, I wish Bruce was coming with me......stupid job. :(

Speaking of my amazing husband, he is doing well.  He's been working a lot of OT, with me being gone so much this month, he is trying to stay as busy as he can.  And have I mentioned how amazing he is lately?! No....well let me just tell you....  ;)  I came home from being on vacay to a spotless house. Even the carpets and kitchen floor had been cleaned with our humungo carpet cleaner.  It's the little things that amazes me about him on a daily basis, he is the best.

We are planning on going kayaking this Tuesday and spending the day outdoors doing what we love.  Other than all the traveling and weddings, not to much is new.  We are all very happy and very healthy and just loving and enjoying the summer.  I probably won't be able to blog for at least two or three weeks as I will be in MI and let's be honest, the last thing I am going to be thinking of is jumping on the computer to blog.  BUT I will be seeing most of you during my time there! YAY!!! :)

We hope you all are having an amazing summer! We love and miss you!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

Beautiful beaches.  The only thing we miss most about MI. 

Love them :) 

 My BFF since 2nd grade :) Lindsey and I 

Saturday, June 30, 2012


So as most of you know, it has been HOTTTTT in CO.  So hot that most of CO is on fire!!! (please send some happy thoughts this way for all those affected)

Anyways, it's been pretty unbearable.  Way too hot to spend much time outside.  It has been early mornings in the Brown household.  Pudge and I have had to leave early in the morning for our daily runs, but we are slowly beginning to get back to the point we were at before the race.

Last Tuesday we could bare the heat no more and headed to Lake Isabel in the mountains.  As soon as we hit the mountains the breeze instantly change from scorching hot to cool and WONDERFUL!!! We took the kayaks out and lounged in the middle of the lake.  It was HEAVEN! We loved every single minute of it.

I leave Thursday to head home.  I am so excited to see everyone and spend some time celebrating all the wonderful weddings.   Bruce and Pudge are also doing very well.  Bruce got hired on to the ERT team through the state of CO and prison system, which is amazing.  They are picky and he got in quickly and was even recommended.  Have I mentioned lately how amazing he is?!

We hope you all are doing well.  We miss and love you all so much!! I will see most of you sooooon!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

Ready to hit the road :)

 Our surroundings 

 Relaxin'....Doesn't get much better than this! 

 My amazing hubby 

Friday, June 22, 2012


So summer is officially here (for us) and blazing! We are eating it right up!

We are keeping very busy being outdoorsy except on the days when it's WAY too hot to be outside.  But those days are not lost on us.  We usually stay in the cool house reading and relaxing or SHOPPING in the comfort of someone else's AC.

Not to much new to report.  Bruce felt ok (it was so nerve racking) about his polygraph test.  The guy did his job of intimidation very well and that was scary for Bruce, but since he has nothing to hide we are positive he passed.  Now the waiting game continues.  Until August/September when our personal deadline hits and we buy a house and settle here, waiting no longer.  So keep those positive thoughts coming.  WW went well again.  Lost another 1.6 this week.  I am back to hitting the pavement, and let me tell is hurting! With the time off and the heat rising, my body officially hates me.  But I know in the end it is good and will eventually go back to feeling good too.

Bruce has tomorrow off (a very rare occurrence!) and there happens to be a festival in town so we are very excited to spend the day together!! And Tuesday we are heading up to the lake in the mountains and going kayaking.  WE LOVE SUMMER!!!!!

Hope all is well with you all!!! We love and miss you tons!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

Pudge enjoying his kiddie pool! haha :) 

 We got to watch the Tigers! Even if it was on the computer! 

 My boys! Cuddling before bed. <3 them! 


 So random, but can you believe this lemon!! It's bigger than my hand and soooo round!  It came straight from Cali from a friends tree! We got a ton from them and I have plans for fresh lemonade, lemon pepper chicken, and a Roasted lemon hen.  :) 

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I have been a stranger to my own blog!!! It's been too long and I can't even begin to list all of the new things that have happened lately........

I'll start off by saying our little family is all healthy and happy.  We had Rosie visit a few weeks ago, and that was so much fun.  It's always so nice to have family around.

Bruce received a phone call from Boarder....he has his final final final step in the process, which is a polygraph test, on Tuesday.  We were both excited and surprised by the phone call, still trying to stay level headed and not get too excited.  But some extra thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.

Weight Watchers is great!! I missed two weeks in a row while Rosie was here and I wasn't feeling well one week, but back at it as usual.  :)  Running on the other hand has been put on the back burner because I keep telling myself that it's tooooo hot!!! BUT we all know that just a lame ass excuse so I have to start hitting the pavement again, I actually miss it and the feeling that comes a long with it!

Traveling this summer is insane.  I will be traveling home to MI FOUR times this summer and once in the fall.  Lots of weddings to celebrate! I am so excited to see everyone and celebrate all the love and happiness.

With the blazing weather it's so hard to stay inside or make time to be on the computer in general.  Kayaking, hiking, boating, fishing, camping, riding bikes,'s all so distracting ;)  But I promise to make an honest effort to resume my weekly updates and photos.  I am going to get back in the swing of things :)

We love and miss you all so much!!! And will be seeing you so soon! ;)

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge

Friday, May 18, 2012

Life lately

SORRY!!! I know I have been slacking a bit on posting, it's been a busy few weeks ;)

Happy to report that we are all very healthy and very happy.  We have been gearing up for our next visitor!! Rosie will be here Sunday!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! We couldn't be more excited!!! We are looking forward to spending some much needed family time with her.

The weather has been amazing (except the one day of hail) and I have a good tan going.  Bruce has a bit of color also, for him anyways hehehe ;) He stilllll hasn't gotten his test results back, we are IMPATIENTLY waiting.  They said two weeks and it's been a MONTH! Hopefully soon.  We have been keeping busy with lots of outdoor activities......running, biking, hiking, golfing.....the usual summer activities.  And we are loving every second of it, especially Pudge.

Last week I lost 5.2 pounds at WW.........def back on track and it feels AMAZING!! I am plugging along and it feels incredible, inside and out.  :)

Well we hope you all are doing well.  We miss and love you all so so so much! I promise to write more soon!!!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Camping & Bishop's Castle

The weather turned out to be nice so we were able to head to the mountains this past weekend to camp.  We were the only people at Isabel Lake and it was SO SO SO relaxing!  We were able to walk around the lake, let Pudge swim (his FAV!) play botchy ball, and relax in the sun reading our kindles.  It was beyond peaceful, and we loved every second of it.

And speaking of kindles......I was completely consumed with Fifty shades of Grey trilogy.  I had read lots of recommendations, but really had no idea what I was getting into!  They are very sexual books, to say the least, which is why I was worried they were going to be the typical boring sex novels, but they weren't!  They were wonderfully written and had a fantastic story line that kept me hooked.  As weird as it is, now that I have finished all three books, I oddly miss the characters and story line.  So please please please bare an open mind and GO READ THEM, alllll three of them!  You won't be sorry!!

On our way down from the mountains we stopped at Bishop's Castle.  Mr. Bishop, owner of the property and castle, starting building it in 1966.  He has built this beautiful castle all by himself everyday with no help, and was in fact already hard at work when we arrived at 10am.  He is a self-described hard working man who is self governing.  He was a polite older man, a bit of a hippie ;), and a very talented.  He lives off of donations, which also help with the continued build of the Castle.  He plans to add to the castle until it wraps around the entire 2 acres he owns.  It was beautiful! We were awestruck.  And we were able to explore the castle, which was so fun.  If you're ever in that area, it is a must see!

Other than camping, not too much is new.  Due to camping I was unable to attend WW this week, ugggggh, but I vowed to be there next week.  I have my paid week off this week and am getting a lot done.  I was able to try a lot of home remedies for cleaning our appliances, such as our HE front loading washer and stove.  THANK GOODNESS for Pinterest, such wonderful home remedies.  We both went to the dentist and had my eye exam.  I am impatiently waiting for my new glasses.  Bruce is still waiting for his text results and the weather is lovely.

We hope you all had wonderful weeks and weekends.  We will leave you with some pictures..... Love and Miss you!!

Nichole, Bruce, and Pudge xoxo

Beautiful Lake Isabel 

 Pudge is off! :) 

 Bishop's Castle 

 Beautiful detail 

 At the top :) 

 Little Stairs for a big man 

 King of the Castle :)